<div1 type="BR_MGpage" id="BBBRMG20209MG202090490"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="BBBRMG202090490"></xptr>
<p n="4279">Continued Tuesday 26th. June 1792.</p>
<p n="4280">a particular account will be taken of all the offices of charity in which we<lb></lb>
have abounded towards our poor brethren and a peculiar reward conferred<lb></lb>
on those who have performed them with fidelity and real.</p>
<p n="4281">"In full confidence that you will diligently attend this good work, you are<lb></lb>
admitted a Governor of the Hospitals of Bridewell and Bethlem.</p>
<p n="4282">The Duties of the several Officers and Servants<lb></lb>
are as follow<lb></lb>
The President</p>
<p n="4283"> <note type="authorial" place="margin">President<lb></lb>
his Duty</note>
By the Original Orders in 1557 is to be held and taken as the chief Ruler<lb></lb>
and Governor next to the Lord Mayor of both Hospitals</p>
<p n="4284">He is therefore to convene General Courts at the stated peroids and at such<lb></lb>
other times as may be necessary or when duly required so to do by any<lb></lb>
Committee or by 9 Governors in writing to preside there and at any Committee<lb></lb>
which he may chuse to attend</p>
<p n="4285">He is always to preserve good order and decorum and a Strict adherence<lb></lb>
to the standing Rules and Orders and generally to supervise the affairs of<lb></lb>
both Hospitals promote their true interests and guard them from perversion<lb></lb>
or abuse by every means in his power</p>
<p n="4286">The Treasurer</p>
<p n="4287"> <note type="authorial" place="margin">Treasurer his Duty</note>
Is to receive all Legacies Benefactions Dividends and Interest on the<lb></lb>
Orphan Stock public funds and other Securities belonging to the Hospitals<lb></lb>
and such Cash as may remain with the Stewards above what is sufficient<lb></lb>
for ordinary expences and generally to superintend all receipts and<lb></lb>
payments whatsoever on account of both Hospitals particularly to pay all the<lb></lb>
Salaries Quarterly and all Bills as soon as examined and directed.</p>
<p n="4288">He is to keep regular Cash Books and also to enter in a Book to be<lb></lb>
kept for that purpose in the Clerk's Office all his receipts and payments as<lb></lb>
they may occur on account of both Hospitals so that any Governor may at<lb></lb>
all times have it in his power to see what Balance he hath in hand and he is<lb></lb>
to invest all Sums of Money he may at any time have in his hands exceeding<lb></lb>
a resting general Balance of £1000 in the public funds for the benefit of the<lb></lb>
Hospitals when so required by a General Court or by the House Committee or<lb></lb>
by the committee of Auditors or by 9 Governors although not Membew of<lb></lb>
any Committee so as such requisition be signed by the said Governors</p>
<p n="4289">He is to see that notices of Legacies as well as tune when those<lb></lb>
Legacies are paid are duty entered by the Clerk in the proper Book and he is<lb></lb>
to produce his general Cash Book to all Courts and Committees and report<lb></lb>
to every Court and House Committee what Legacies and Benefactions have<lb></lb>
been received since the last meeting</p>

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