<div1 type="BR_MGpage" id="BBBRMG20209MG202090481"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="BBBRMG202090481"></xptr>
<p n="4179">Continued Friday 22nd June 1792</p>
<p n="4180"> <note type="authorial" place="margin">Committees and their different<lb></lb>
A Motion being made and seconded and the Question being put That<lb></lb>
for the better Management of the affairs of the Hospitals, these be the four following<lb></lb>
Committees appointed and annually compleated. First a Bethlem Committee to<lb></lb>
consist of 42 Governors 14 to go off and 14 other Governors to be chosen every year This<lb></lb>
Committee to sub divide and class themselves in such manner that 7 be summoned<lb></lb>
and attend every Saturday to admit and discharge patients and inspect those in<lb></lb>
the House, to examine provisions Audit weekly Bills and dispatch Ordinary and<lb></lb>
casual Business all such weekly sub-Committees to be open to any Governor who may<lb></lb>
chuse to attend but that the whole Number of 42 only be summoned for making<lb></lb>
Contracts and other extraordinary Business on which occasions the Committee not<lb></lb>
to be open. Secondly a Bridewell or House Committee to consist of 24 Governors<lb></lb>
5 to be a Quorum: 8 Governors to go off annually and be replaced by the same<lb></lb>
Number of other Governors This Committee to be regularly Summoned and to meet<lb></lb>
the first Wednesday in every Month (the Month of August excepted) at 9 o Clock<lb></lb>
in the Morning , and not to be an open Committee That it be their peculiar<lb></lb>
province to deliberate and Report upon all matters referred to them by the General<lb></lb>
Court; to Advertise for Contracts for Bridewell and for telling Houses and Estates<lb></lb>
belonging to both Hospitals so that the same be done for the most advantage<lb></lb>
to consider of and direct necessary Repairs and alterations not exceeding £200<lb></lb>
in the whole and to see that such others be properly done as the Court may have<lb></lb>
ordered To attend all views in Town To Examine the Cash Balances at<lb></lb>
every Meeting and to direct and see that all Monies exceeding a<gap reason="illegible"></gap>
General resting Balance of £1000 be immediately and properly invested in the public<lb></lb>
funds to approve the appointment of the workmen and Tradesmen to examine all accompts and<lb></lb>
Vouchers very particularly to see that the charges are proper and reasonable to<lb></lb>
direct the payment thereof and see that they are paid accordingly to see that all<lb></lb>
Rents Arrears Legacies and Revenues of Both Hospitals be duly applied for and<lb></lb>
received and if not to direct the same to be done and in all other respect to<lb></lb>
enforce a due observance of the standing Rules and Orders, and report from time<lb></lb>
to time to the Court if any of them prove in effectual or are infringed upon with<lb></lb>
their Opinion as to the same to guard against and abolish as much as<lb></lb>
possible all allowances perquisites and other petty advantages over and above<lb></lb>
the liberal stated salaries paid by the Charities to the Officers Servants and others<lb></lb>
and generally to attend to and promote the Interests of the Hospitals. If keep<lb></lb>
Minutes of all proceedings and take care that the substance and true sense<lb></lb>
thereof be reported to every General Court. Thirdly a Committee of Auditors<lb></lb>
to consist of the President 7 Governors<del>who have contributed last that charity</del>
who are not of any other Committee (and the present Auditor General) 4 to<lb></lb>
be a Quorum 3 Governors to go off annually and to be replaced by 3 other Governors<lb></lb>
This Committee to meet the last wednesday in every three Months in order to<lb></lb>
inspect and audit the Items and Totals of all such accompts as have been<lb></lb>
paid and particularly to see that they have been directed by a proper authority</p>

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