<div1 type="BR_MGpage" id="BBBRMG20209MG202090479"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="BBBRMG202090479"></xptr>
<p n="4158">Continued Friday 22nd. June 1792</p>
<p n="4159"> <note type="authorial" place="margin">Auditor General The Office of<lb></lb>
to cease after the Death of the<lb></lb>
present and that the House with<lb></lb>
such others as become vacant be let<lb></lb>
or Employed for the Benefit of the Charity</note>
A Motion being made and seconded and the Question being put That as<lb></lb>
the Office of Auditor General is merely honorary and unnecessary the same do<lb></lb>
cease and determine with the life present worthy possessor and that his House<lb></lb>
with such others as become vacant be either lat or employed for the Benefit of<lb></lb>
the Charity it was carried in the affirmative</p>
<p n="4160"> <note type="authorial" place="margin">Office to become Vacant by<lb></lb>
death or otherwise the same to be<lb></lb>
abolished if unnecessary or the<lb></lb>
Salary reduced</note>
<p n="4161"> <note type="authorial" place="margin">Enquire to be confind to the<lb></lb>
Hospl. and Precinct and parts<lb></lb>
adjacent and that the apprentices do<lb></lb>
not in future go out of the Hospital<lb></lb>
with same</note>
<p n="4162">A Motion being made and seconded and the Question being put That as<lb></lb>
other Offices at either Hospital become vacant by death or otherwise the same<lb></lb>
be abolished if unnecessary or the Salary reduced as the case may require and<lb></lb>
that generally perquisites and unnecessary expences of every kind be abolished<lb></lb>
as much as may be and a suitable economy constantly observed in<lb></lb>
dispensing the Revenues of the Charity. That the use of the Engines be confined<lb></lb>
to the Hospital the Precinct and parts immediately adjacent and that the<lb></lb>
Apprentices do not in future go out of the Hospital with the same it was carried in the<lb></lb>
<p n="4163"> <note type="authorial" place="margin">Feasts at the expence of the Hospital<lb></lb>
to be a Dinner on Easter Monday<lb></lb>
one on St. Matthew's Day and are<lb></lb>
Annual Dinner at a Tavern to<lb></lb>
the Auditors</note>
<p n="4164">A Motion being made and seconded and the Question being put That the<lb></lb>
only Feasts at the expence of the Charities be a Dinner on Easter Monday<lb></lb>
one on Saint Mathews Day and one annual Dinner at a Tavern to the<lb></lb>
Auditors it was carried in the affirmative</p>
<p n="4165"> <note type="authorial" place="margin">Clerks Salary upon the first Vacancy<lb></lb>
be reduced in £200 a year & no perquisites<lb></lb>
from the Hospital or allowance for in<lb></lb>
House his Charges for Leases to<lb></lb>
be £5.10s.0d Town Leases and<lb></lb>
7 Guineas up to 10 Guineas for Leases<lb></lb>
of Farm all charges included and<lb></lb>
that the reduction of his Salary take<lb></lb>
place on the death or vacancy of either<lb></lb>
of the present and that there<lb></lb>
be no joint Clock in future</note>
<p n="4166">A Motion being made and seconded and the Question being put That upon<lb></lb>
the first Vacancy the Clerk's Salary be reduced to £200 a year and the other<lb></lb>
Emoluments incident to his Situation being very considerable that he have<lb></lb>
no perquisites whatsover from the Hospitals or allowance for a House his<lb></lb>
daily attendance at the Office during the usual Hours of Business and at<lb></lb>
Courts and Committees as hereafter being fully sufficient for the discharge of<lb></lb>
his Duties. That the Clerks charges to the<del>your</del>
Tenants for Leases be regulated<lb></lb>
by those of Saint Bartholomews which are £5.10s.0d for a pair Leases of<lb></lb>
any Town Estate and 7 Guineas upto Ten Guineas according to the<lb></lb>
Length and special covenants for Leases of Farms the City seal and all<lb></lb>
other charges included it was carried in the affirmative.</p>
<p n="4167">A Motion being made and second and the Question being put That<lb></lb>
the Reduction of the Clerks Salary take place on the death or vacancy of<lb></lb>
either of the present Clerks and that there be not any consideration an<lb></lb>
additional or joint Clerk in his stead it was carried in the affirmative</p>
<p n="4168"> <note type="authorial" place="margin">Surveyor to have £150 a year<lb></lb>
and no per Centage</note>
A Motion being made and seconded and the Question being put That<lb></lb>
in lieu of a small salary and a per Centage the<del>your</del>
Surveyor have a fixed<lb></lb>
salary of £150 a year for both Hospitals for which he shall perform the<lb></lb>
various Duties incident to the Office as more particularly stated under<lb></lb>
that Head in the Apprentice and that he have no other allowance for<lb></lb>
those services it was carried in the affirmative</p>

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