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<p n="3621"> (33)<lb></lb>
<p n="3623">I. THAT, conformable to ancient practice, these Hospitals be conducted<lb></lb>
by General Courts and Committees, a President, Treasurer, Clerk,<lb></lb>
Stewards, and such other Officers and Servants as may time of time be<lb></lb>
found necessary.</p>
<p n="3624">II. That Four stated General Courts be held in every year, viz. in January,<lb></lb>
April, July, and October; and others as often as the President shall think<lb></lb>
proper, or as the same may be required in writting by any of the Committees,<lb></lb>
or by Nine Governors: that no Court be held on the Feast-day in July-<lb></lb>
The chair to be always taken at 12 o'clock.</p>
<p n="3625">III. That notice of every motion intended to be made be given at a pre-<lb></lb>
ceding Court; and that due notices of every Court, and of the business or<lb></lb>
motion then to be considered, be always inserted in the summons; and that<lb></lb>
all summonses be issued at least one week before every Court-day.</p>
<p n="3626">IV. That, at the April Court, the state of the accompts and affairs of the<lb></lb>
Hospitals be reported by the Committee of Auditors, and first considered;<lb></lb>
the titles and totals of the year's accompt up to Christmas preceding, with<lb></lb>
the names of the Auditors who have signed the same, and that of all tenants<lb></lb>
nine months in arrear, be produced and read; and that the annual election<lb></lb>
of all Committees and Officers be made at the same Court, and from the<lb></lb>
Governors and Candidates then present; such election, and all others, to be<lb></lb>
by ballot, and on each person separately; if so required by any Three Gover-<lb></lb>
nors present; and if there be not a sufficient number of Governors present<lb></lb>
for the Committee, the deficiency only to be chosen out of Absentees.</p>
<p n="3627">V. That, for the better management of the affairs of the Hospitals, there<lb></lb>
be the Four following Committees appointed, and annually compleated:</p>
<p n="3628">34 APPENDIX.</p>
<p n="3629">First, A BETHLEM Committee, to consist of 42 Governors, 14 to go off,<lb></lb>
and 14 other Governors to be chosen every year. This Committee to subdi-<lb></lb>
vide and class themselves in such manner, that 7 be summoned and attend<lb></lb>
every Saturday, to admit and discharge patients, and inspect those in the<lb></lb>
house; to examine provisions, audit weekly bills, and dispatch ordinary and<lb></lb>
casual business. All such Committees to be open to any Governor who may<lb></lb>
chuse to attend; but that the whole number of 42 be summoned for Con-<lb></lb>
tracts and other extraordinary business, on which occasions the Committee<lb></lb>
only to have voices.</p>
<p n="3630">Secondly, A BRIDEWELL or HOUSE Committee; to consist of 24 Gover-<lb></lb>
nors, 5 to be a quorum; 8 Governors to go off annually, and be replaced by<lb></lb>
the same number of other Governors. This Committee to be regularly sum-<lb></lb>
moned, and to meet the first Wednesday in every month at 9 o'clock in the<lb></lb>
morning, and not to be an Open Committee. That it be their peculiar pro-<lb></lb>
vince to deliberate and report upon all matters referred to them by the General<lb></lb>
Court; to advertise for contracts for Bridewell, and for letting houses and<lb></lb>
estates belonging to both Hospitals, so that the same be done for the most<lb></lb>
advantage; to consider of, and direct, necessary repairs and alterations, not<lb></lb>
exceeding £.200. in the whole, and to see that such others be properly done<lb></lb>
as the Court may have ordered; to attend all views in Town; to examine the<lb></lb>
cash balances at every meeting, and to direct and fee that all monies exceed-<lb></lb>
ing a general resting balance of £.500. be immediately and properly invested<lb></lb>
in the public funds; to appoint the workmen and tradesmen; to examine all<lb></lb>
accompts and vouchers very particularly, to see that the charges are proper<lb></lb>
and reasonable; to direct the payment thereof, and see that they are paid<lb></lb>
accordingly; to see that all rents, arrears, legacies, and revenues of both<lb></lb>
Hospitals, be duly applied for and received, and, if not, to direct the same to<lb></lb>
be done; and in all other respects to enforce a due observance of the standing<lb></lb>
rules and orders,and report from time to time to the Court if any of them<lb></lb>
prove ineffectual or are infringed upon, with their opinion as to the same:<lb></lb>
to guard against, and abolish, as much as possible, all allowances, perquisites,<lb></lb>
and other petty advantages, over and above the liberal stated salaries paid by<lb></lb>
the Charities to the Officers, Servants, and others; and generally to attend<lb></lb>
to, and promote the interests of the Hospitals. To keep minutes of all pro-<lb></lb>
ceedings, and take care that the substance and true sense thereof be reported<lb></lb>
to every General Court.</p>
<p n="3631">Thirdly, A Committee of AUDITORS; to consist of the President, 7 Go-<lb></lb>
vernors who have contributed to either Charity, and who are not of any other<lb></lb>
Committee (and the present Auditor General), 4 to be a quorum; 3 Gover-<lb></lb>
nors to go off annually, and be replaced by 3 other Governors. This Com-<lb></lb>
mittee to meet the last Wednesday in every two months, in order to inspect<lb></lb>
and audit the Items and totals of all such accompts as have been paid; and<lb></lb>
particularly to see that they have been directed by a proper authority, con-<lb></lb>
formable to the spirit of the General Rules; and once in every year, in the<lb></lb>
month of March, to audit and sign the general accompts, and to prepare a<lb></lb>
<p n="3632">APPENDIX. 35</p>
<p n="3633">clear and comprehensive state of the affairs and accompts of both Hospitals up<lb></lb>
to the preceding Christmas, and lay the same before the General Court in<lb></lb>
April. They are also at every meeting to inspect the general cash balances,<lb></lb>
and see that all sums exceeding a resting balance of £.500. are from time to<lb></lb>
time invested in the public funds for the benefit of the Hospitals; and in<lb></lb>
case of negligence therein, or in any other matters, to report the same to the<lb></lb>
next General Court.</p>
<p n="3634">Fourthly, a PRISON Committee: to consist of 8 Governors, 3 to be a<lb></lb>
quorum; 4 Governors to go off, and to be replaced by 4 other Governors,<lb></lb>
every year; to meet the second Wednesday in every month; and a Sub-<lb></lb>
committee once a week in order to visit the prisons.</p>
<p n="3635">Their first business is, to carry into immediate effect, in the best manner<lb></lb>
possible, the proposed reform respecting Artsmasters, Apprentices, and Bride-<lb></lb>
well: with all new arrangements as to the prisons and prisoners, and to form<lb></lb>
regulations adapted thereto; and generally, from time to time, afterwards, to<lb></lb>
inspect and regulate all matters appertaining to the prisons and prisoners, in<lb></lb>
such a manner as to render the charity of BRIDEWELL. as respectable, and as<lb></lb>
extensively useful, as possible, conformable to the beneficent intentions of the<lb></lb>
Royal Founder and our ancestors.</p>
<p n="3636">VI. That, at the April Court, the Clerk do report, previous to the elec-<lb></lb>
tions, the names of those Governors who have not attended their respective<lb></lb>
Committees four times during the last year; and that such Governors be not<lb></lb>
eligible to be elected on any future Committee, unless a satisfactory excuse be<lb></lb>
made for the same to the Court: that no Governor be appointed a second<lb></lb>
time upon any Committee, untill he has been out of that Committee two years,<lb></lb>
nor nay Governor (but the Presiding Office) be a member of two Committees<lb></lb>
at the same time, the Prison Committee excepted.</p>
<p n="3637">VII. That no Officer, except the President, be of the Committee of Audi-<lb></lb>
tors; or of the House Committee, but the President and Treasurer; the<lb></lb>
latter to withdraw when any matter relating to his own situation is discussed.</p>
<p n="3638">VIII. That, agreeable to the first orders established in 1557, immediately<lb></lb>
after the charter, and the present usage at St. Bartholomew's Hospital, the<lb></lb>
President "be held and taken as the Chief Ruler and Governor next to the<lb></lb>
"Lord Mayor;" that he summon Courts, be of all Committees, and<lb></lb>
preside wherever he attends: and that it be his peculiar province generally to<lb></lb>
preserve strict decorum and a due observance of the orders of the two<lb></lb>
<p n="3639">IX. That the Treasurer be considered as the responsible and chief acting<lb></lb>
Officer next to the President; and his office, being, by the constitution, a<lb></lb>
station of honour and dignity, not of profit or emolument, that he have no<lb></lb>
salary or house to reside in at the expence of the Hospitals; that he receive<lb></lb>
and pay money when directed by a proper authority, and in every respect<lb></lb>
guard and promote the interests of the Charities to the utmost of his power;<lb></lb>
and that he strictly and conscientiously perform the several duties herein after<lb></lb>
set forth as appertaining to the office of Treasurer.</p>
<p n="3640">36 APPENDIX.</p>
<p n="3641">X. That no person interested in any contract with, or in serving wines,<lb></lb>
provisions, or goods, to either of the Hospitals, be competent to become, or<lb></lb>
to remain, a Governor; and that no person receiving any salary or emolument<lb></lb>
from either of the Hospitals be competent to become or remain a Governor;<lb></lb>
except the Treasurer and the present Officers now Governors.</p>
<p n="3642">XI. That the President have the privilege of appointing two Governors<lb></lb>
annually, the Treasurer one, and the present Auditor General one: and<lb></lb>
that every Governor who shall have served as Steward have the right of<lb></lb>
nominating one person and no more for a Governor; but that all persons,<lb></lb>
whether so nominated, or whether proposed for any other reason, be ap-<lb></lb>
proved, first, by the House Committee, and afterwards by the Court, before<lb></lb>
they be chosen.</p>
<p n="3643">XII. That a copy of the Standing Rules and Orders, with the Duties of the<lb></lb>
Officers and Servants, be given to each Governor on his election; and his<lb></lb>
Charge be read to him on his admission, with all imaginable solemnity, by<lb></lb>
the Clergyman, in open Court.</p>
<p n="3644">XIII. That, upon the vacancy of a Treasurer, Chaplain, Physician, Sur-<lb></lb>
geon, Apothecary, Surveyor, Clerk, Steward, Matron, or Barber, the House<lb></lb>
Committee be immediately summoned, in order to deliberate upon and Pre-<lb></lb>
pare a report as to the future necessity of any such office (the Treasurer's<lb></lb>
excepted); and what has been, or ought to be, its duties and salary;<lb></lb>
and that a General Court be convened within 14 days of such vacancy,<lb></lb>
for the purpose of declaring the same, and taking the report of the House<lb></lb>
Committee into consideration; and if the office be found necessary, that<lb></lb>
the duties, Etc. thereof be communicated forthwith to such persons as<lb></lb>
may become candidates for the same: and that no election shall take place<lb></lb>
until the ensuing Court; prior to which, proper summonses shall be issued at<lb></lb>
least 14 days; and no election shall then, or at any other time, be proceeded<lb></lb>
on, until all the other business of that Court is finished.</p>
<p n="3645">XIV. That no officer or servant of either Hospital be permitted to perform<lb></lb>
the duties of the office by deputy (except on a case of extreme urgency) with-<lb></lb>
out the express permission of the House or Bethlem Committee: and that no<lb></lb>
one office be on any account held by or divided between two persons as joint<lb></lb>
<p n="3646">XV. That every officer and servant, when elected, have his duty read,<lb></lb>
and a copy thereof delivered to him, in open Court.</p>
<p n="3647">XVI. That the Treasurer, Clerk, Stewards, and all other officers of trust,<lb></lb>
shall and do upon their respective elections, and, is need be, from time to<lb></lb>
time afterwards, give ample and satisfactory security for the faithful per-<lb></lb>
formance of the various trusts confided to them, fully adequate to the value<lb></lb>
of those trusts, and to the utmost extent of the sums of money belonging to<lb></lb>
these Hospitals which may or can at any one time remain in their hands so<lb></lb>
that the Hospitals may not incurany risk of sustaining a loss: such securities<lb></lb>
to be given to the President and two other Governors, to be approved by the<lb></lb>
Court, for the use of the Hospitals; and produced at the first General<lb></lb>

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