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<p n="3581"> of such benevolent Persons as have not yet contributed to<lb></lb>
the Hospitals (and perhaps to the Publick) highly necessary<lb></lb>
and expedient.</p>
<p n="3582">No. VI, comprehends those Parts of the general Expen-<lb></lb>
diture of both Hospitals, which relate to the several Salaries,<lb></lb>
Perquisites, and various Allowances to Officers, Servants,<lb></lb>
and others, that are paid out of the Revenues of the Cha-<lb></lb>
rities. On this, at present, your Committee offer no Remarks;<lb></lb>
but submit the Particulars thereof in Silence to the Reflection<lb></lb>
and Consideration of the Court, and particularly of those<lb></lb>
Governors, whether on Committees or otherwise, who have<lb></lb>
had more Opportunities than this Committee of knowing<lb></lb>
the Nature, Extent, and Utility of the Offices and Services<lb></lb>
for which the liberal Salaries and other Emoluments speci-<lb></lb>
fied in that Abstract are given.</p>
<p n="3583">(22)</p>
<p n="3584">STANDING ORDERS.</p>
<p n="3585">IF the various Orders for the Management of the two<lb></lb>
Hospitals, which are dispersed throughout the numerous<lb></lb>
Court and Committee Books, had been methodically ar-<lb></lb>
ranged, as they were respectively ordered, and above all<lb></lb>
duly enforced, they would probably have superseded, in a<lb></lb>
great Measure, the Necessity of this Committee, and cer-<lb></lb>
tainly would have saved them a most laborious Research;<lb></lb>
and, after all their Enquiries, your Committee have good Rea-<lb></lb>
son to fear that many essential Rules have been overlooked,<lb></lb>
which might have existed, They turned their Attention, there-<lb></lb>
fore, particularly to supply that Defect, and have compiled a<lb></lb>
Set of Rules and Orders, which comprehend all the valua-<lb></lb>
ble Parts of those they have found; to which they have added<lb></lb>
such others as, they think, are indispensably necessary for<lb></lb>
the good Government of the Hospitals.These, as well<lb></lb>
as the Duties of your Officers and Servants (which they have<lb></lb>
likewise revised and extended) will be found in the Appen-<lb></lb>
dix, under their respective Heads. And your Committee re-<lb></lb>
commend, that all the existing Rules, Orders, and Duties<lb></lb>
<p n="3586">(23)</p>
<p n="3587">(not relating to the Prisons, Arts-masters, and Apprentices)<lb></lb>
be rescinded; and that those now offered, with any others<lb></lb>
the Court shall hereafter make, be adopted, and do consti-<lb></lb>
tute the only Standing Rules and Orders.</p>
<p n="3588">THE internal Regulations of Bethlem Hospital, being In<lb></lb>
their own Nature temporary, and liable to be changed and<lb></lb>
adapted to Circumstances, are placed immediately before the<lb></lb>
Duties of Officers and Servants attached to that Branch of<lb></lb>
the Charities; and these will be found to comprehend the<lb></lb>
Ideas and Recommendations of the Committee, as to the<lb></lb>
Reduction on Admission and of other Fees, as well as on<lb></lb>
some lesser Matters.</p>
<p n="3589">(24)</p>
<p n="3590">MANAGEMENT.</p>
<p n="3591">YOUR Committee having disclaimed all Intention to com-<lb></lb>
ment upon past Abuses and Deviations from the true<lb></lb>
Spirit of these Charities; they put in their Claim to the Con-<lb></lb>
fidence of the Court, when they declare that they are only<lb></lb>
led to recommend the following Regulations by the strongest<lb></lb>
Conviction, after very mature Deliberation, that they are<lb></lb>
absolutely necessary to prevent future Irregularities. They beg<lb></lb>
Leave to lay down as primary and incontrovertible Positi-<lb></lb>
ons, to which all their Recommendations refer;</p>
<p n="3592">THAT, in the Language of the first Governors, the Ob-<lb></lb>
ject of both Establishments is, "the Benefit of the Poor only;"<lb></lb>
and that, agreeable to the solemn and excellent Charge<lb></lb>
given on his Admission, it is the indispensable Duty of every<lb></lb>
Governors to keep that Sacred Object constantly in View, and to<lb></lb>
promote it, by every Means in his Power, with Fidelity and<lb></lb>
Zeal, as well by increasing the Revenues of the Hospitals, as<lb></lb>
guarding the Application thereof from all Abuse.</p>
<p n="3593">UNDER these Impressions, and with these Views, your<lb></lb>
Committee suggest and recommend the following Regula-<lb></lb>

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