<div1 type="BR_MGpage" id="BBBRMG20209MG202090313"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="BBBRMG202090313"></xptr>
<p n="2337">Continued Thursday <rs type="date" id="BBBRMG20209_date208">29th. November 1787</rs>
<interp inst="BBBRMG20209_date208" type="date" value="17871129"></interp>
<p n="2338">made several Reports touching the inclosing and Building the said<lb></lb>
House which upon the 6th. November 1674 were confirmed and Mr.<lb></lb>
Treasurer was desired to pay the Workmen and the said House of<lb></lb>
Hospital was soon after elected and compleated at great expence<lb></lb>
raised partly by the Voluntary contributions of divers well<lb></lb>
disposed Governors and others particularly given and<lb></lb>
appropriated for that purpose and the rest by and out of<lb></lb>
the Revenues of the same Hospital, and Rooms or Cells<lb></lb>
and other conveniencies for the reception and accommodation<lb></lb>
of a greater number of patients than the original number<lb></lb>
of 120 were added in so much that the said Hospital<lb></lb>
in its present state has received and is capable of<lb></lb>
receiving no less than 300 Lunatic patients with the<lb></lb>
proper Officers and Servants for their care and support<lb></lb>
including the incurables a large proportion whereof<lb></lb>
belongs to the City of London (see the Calculation of<lb></lb>
the expences left herewith). That at a Court held<lb></lb>
at Bridewell Hospital 5th. August 1784 upon redding<lb></lb>
a Report from a Committee stating that they had<lb></lb>
taken into consideration the encreasing the number of<lb></lb>
incurable Patients in Bethlem Hospital in order to<lb></lb>
carry into execution the Pious intentions of divers Governors<lb></lb>
and others particularly directed to that Branch of that<lb></lb>
most useful Charity and having taken a View of all the<lb></lb>
apartments Cells and conveniences within the Walls of the<lb></lb>
said Hospital and considered the improvements that would<lb></lb>
be necessary were unanimously of opinion that the Building<lb></lb>
at the East end of the said Hospital formerly used as<lb></lb>
an Infirmary might without any inconvenience be appropriated<lb></lb>
for the immediate reception of 10 Incurable Patients in<lb></lb>
addition to the 100 Incurable patients already maintained</p>

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