<div1 type="BR_MGpage" id="BBBRMG20209MG202090023"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="BBBRMG202090023"></xptr>
<p n="214">St. Thomas chosen one of the Stewards for the next Election Fe11<lb></lb>
John to be inquired for to Mr Locks Gift12<lb></lb>
to be paid £10 Mr Lock's Gift20<lb></lb>
and Thomas to be made free21<lb></lb>
William Elected and Artsmaster21<lb></lb>
Vacancy declared25<lb></lb>
Henry Holland <rs type="occupation" id="BBBRMG20209_occ36">Esqr</rs>
<interp inst="BBBRMG20209_occ36" type="occupation" value="Esqr"></interp>
Sir James Precinct took his Charge29<lb></lb>
Alexander is to put and Apprentice28<lb></lb>
Feldon Richard chosen out of the Stewards for next Election F<obscured></obscured>
t 46<lb></lb>
Richardson Henry The Like46<lb></lb>
preferred as a Governor69<lb></lb>
Elected a Governor64<lb></lb>
John appointed a Governor64</p>
<p n="215"> <obscured></obscured>
to examined<obscured></obscured>
of the<obscured></obscured>
in the Houses of<lb></lb>
Artsmasters and Bethlem belonging to be Hoyt.}<lb></lb>
<p n="216">Steward Thomas to be inquired after for Fowkes Gift72<lb></lb>
Sarah Hugh At D appointed a Governor96<lb></lb>
George to be put not Apprentice96<lb></lb>
Stokes Joseph to be inquired after for Mr Fowkes Gift168<lb></lb>
Stewart Thomas to be inquired after for Mr Lock's Gift119<lb></lb>
Stone William his Benefaction of £50 reported131<lb></lb>
proposed as a Governor131<lb></lb>
Elected a Governor141<lb></lb>
Stewart Thomas to be paid £10 Mr. Lock's Gift144<lb></lb>
Sister Joseph to be inquired after for Mr. Lock's Gift156<lb></lb>
Stephenson Henry Aran a Steward for next Election Feast146<lb></lb>
Stokes Joseph to be paid £10 Mr Lock's Gift149<lb></lb>
William took his Charge154<lb></lb>
Stratfield Sandforth Nominated a Governor173<lb></lb>
Sharve Richard The Like173<lb></lb>
Shank Robert The Like173<lb></lb>
Smyth Thomas The Like173<lb></lb>
Stevenson Thomas The Like173<lb></lb>
Smyth Nicholas The Like173<lb></lb>
Smyth Doster James Carmichael The Like174<lb></lb>
Smyth William The Like174<lb></lb>
Strutt John Holdan The Like174<lb></lb>
Stealing Walter <rs type="occupation" id="BBBRMG20209_occ37">Junr</rs>
<interp inst="BBBRMG20209_occ37" type="occupation" value="Junr"></interp>
The Like175<lb></lb>
Stephenson Rowland The Like175<lb></lb>
ish Richard The Like176<lb></lb>
Shackan James his Benefaction of £50 reported 176<lb></lb>
prepared as a Governor176<lb></lb>
Strutt Joseph Holdan Elected a Governor185<lb></lb>
Smyth Dr. James Carmichael The Like185<lb></lb>
The Like185<lb></lb>
Smyth Thomas The Like185<lb></lb>
Sandforth The Like185<lb></lb>
Stevenson Thomas The Like186<lb></lb>
Smith William The Like186<lb></lb>
Sharke Robert The Like186<lb></lb>
Smyth Nicholas The Like186<lb></lb>
James Richard The Like186<lb></lb>
Staling Walter <rs type="occupation" id="BBBRMG20209_occ38">Junr</rs>
<interp inst="BBBRMG20209_occ38" type="occupation" value="Junr"></interp>
. The Like187<lb></lb>
Shoreditch Richard The Like187<lb></lb>
Stevenson Penny chosen Steward for most Election<obscured></obscured>
Strong Thomas The Like188<lb></lb>
Sarby John took his charge191<lb></lb>
Shave Richard The Like191<lb></lb>
Thomas William his Benefaction of £50 reported191<lb></lb>
proposed as a Governor191<lb></lb>
Shaw Richard two Benefecation of £50 reported192<lb></lb>
Stevenson Thomas the Like192<lb></lb>
field J<obscured></obscured>
forth took his Charge194<lb></lb>
an James The Like194<lb></lb>
Strachan James Election a Governor194<lb></lb>
Steams William The Like194<lb></lb>
Smyth Thomas took his Charge198<lb></lb>
Stephenson Rowland his Benefaction of £50 reported199<lb></lb>
Stevens William took his Charge205<lb></lb>
Stevenson Thomas The Like205<lb></lb>
Smith William took his Charge207<lb></lb>
The Like209<lb></lb>
bury Earl proposed as a Governor209<lb></lb>
Elected a Governor217</p>
<p n="217">Steward of Bethlem P Alavoine<lb></lb>
<p n="218">Stevens John to be made free225<lb></lb>
Stephenson Thomas chosen a<obscured></obscured>
for most Election<obscured></obscured>
Sanderwick The Rt. Theo<obscured></obscured>
dle East The Like237<lb></lb>
Sheldon Richard his Benefaction of £50 reported241<lb></lb>
Smith Nicholas his Benefaction of £100 reported241<lb></lb>
Sharpe Garriett proposed as a Governor243<lb></lb>
Stephens John Pemberton to be made free245<lb></lb>
Soupps John The Like245<lb></lb>
Smith Wilkinson The Like245<lb></lb>
Scarth Gabriel to be put out Apprentice245<lb></lb>
Sharpe Gra<obscured></obscured>
Elected a Governor250<lb></lb>
Richard took his Charge258<lb></lb>
Strong Robert proposed as alp<obscured></obscured>
Smith Pounds Bishops of his Benefaction of 2 Guineas reported264<lb></lb>
Starhaven The Revd. James chosen Steward put next Election<obscured></obscured>
Strong Robert Elected a Governor267<lb></lb>
Segll William to be inquired after for Mr. Fowkes Gift269<lb></lb>
Stewart Robert Elected Alexander270<lb></lb>
Stephens Francis appointed a Governor273<lb></lb>
Scott William to be paid £13 Mr. Fowkes Gift274<lb></lb>
Stephens Francis took his Charge279<lb></lb>
his Benefaction of £50 reported279<lb></lb>
Spencer Henry proposed as a Governor280<lb></lb>
Stephens John Pemberton to be inquired after to Mr. Fowkes Gift286<lb></lb>
Sanderson George Elected Anderson288<lb></lb>
en Henry Elected Governor289<lb></lb>
Stephens John Pemberton to be paid £10 Mr. Fowkes Gift292<lb></lb>
e Charles to be put out Apprentice300<lb></lb>
Sharpe Graville took his Charge301<lb></lb>
Steps William to be made free305<lb></lb>
Sydney For Right Honble Thomas Lord Nominated a Governor313<lb></lb>
Elected a Governor316<lb></lb>
Surgeon's Vacancy Declared316<lb></lb>
William to be inquired after for Fowkes Gift318<lb></lb>
Stating Walter took his Charge321<lb></lb>
Strong Robert The Like321<lb></lb>
Surgeon his Duty<obscured></obscured>
and Requisites Reported322<lb></lb>
William to be paid £10 Fowkes Gift324<lb></lb>
Surgeon Bryan Cro<obscured></obscured>
n Elected325<lb></lb>
Surat Alban's The Artsmaster of his Benefaction of Two Guineas reported327<lb></lb>
Steward John Pemberton to be inquired after for Lock's Gift327<lb></lb>
Salisbury The Rt. Honble End of Chosen Steward for next Election F<obscured></obscured>
Salisbury Thomas Alderman The Like336<lb></lb>
Steward of Bridewell Hospital Bolton<obscured></obscured>
Stables John his Benefaction of £50 reported340<lb></lb>
Nominated a Governor340<lb></lb>
Elected a Governor344<lb></lb>
Slege William to be informed after for Lock's Gift354<lb></lb>
Sanderson Sir James Rect. & <rs type="occupation" id="BBBRMG20209_occ39">Aldn</rs>
<interp inst="BBBRMG20209_occ39" type="occupation" value="Aldn"></interp>
Charles Steward for next Election Feast364<lb></lb>
n Bethlem Charles Steward for next Election Feast364<lb></lb>
Slege William to be paid £10 Locks Gift365<lb></lb>
Strutt Joseph Robert took his Charge369<lb></lb>
Sissions John Hammond to be put next Apprentice377<lb></lb>
Sandys The Right Honble Lord his Benefaction of £50 reported385<lb></lb>
Nominated a Governor385<lb></lb>
Stubbs George Church Steward for next Election Feast388<lb></lb>
The Right Amber Lord Elected a Governor390<lb></lb>
Stewart For<obscured></obscured>
John his Benefaction of 100 Guineas reported393<lb></lb>
Nominated a Governor393<lb></lb>
Staines William his Benefaction of £50 reported393<lb></lb>
Nominated a Governor393<lb></lb>
Saddon George his Benefaction of £30 reported393<lb></lb>
Nominated a Governor393<lb></lb>
Stephens John to be inquired after for Mr. Fowkes Gift396<lb></lb>
Simons George to be made free396<lb></lb>
Stewart The Honble John Elected a Governor400</p>

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