<div1 type="BR_MGpage" id="BBBRMG20208MG202080249"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="BBBRMG202080249"></xptr>
<p n="2026">Continued Wednesday 27th. July 1768</p>
<p n="2027">the said House as they should Judge proper to be built upon for the Reasons aforesaid<lb></lb>
and that such Ground so built upon should for ever or for the Term to be Expressed<lb></lb>
in such Licence be Annexed to and Enjoyed with the adjoining Freehold.</p>
<p n="2028"> <note type="authorial" place="margin">480</note>
And the same Power is contained in this as in the said other Act for<lb></lb>
appointing Committees</p>
<p n="2029"> <note type="authorial" place="margin">491</note>
And it is further Enacted that the Ground and Soil of the said River<lb></lb>
so to be Inclosed and Embanked in the Front of every such respective Wharf<lb></lb>
or Ground (and which shall be bounded on the East and West Sides thereof<lb></lb>
by Straight Lines running at right Angles to and upon the said Intended Front<lb></lb>
Line) should vest in the Owner or Owners Proprietor or Proprietors of such<lb></lb>
adjoining Wharf or Ground according to his her or their respective Estates Trusts<lb></lb>
or Interest therein free from all Taxes or Assessments whatsoever</p>
<p n="2030">And in Order to provide a Fund for defraying the Expences of Lighting<lb></lb>
Watching Cleansing and Repairing the said intended Bridge when Built<lb></lb>
it is further Enacted that the Ground and Soil of the said River which<lb></lb>
should be so Inclosed and Embanked should from and after the 29th Sept. 1767<lb></lb>
be ever Subject to the following Yearly Quit Rents that is to say As to so much thereof as<lb></lb>
should be so Inclosed and Embanked at the Expence of the Owners or Proprietors<lb></lb>
of the adjoining Wharfs or Grounds One Farthing per Foot Superficial<lb></lb>
Measure for every Superficial Foot thereof And as to so much thereof as should<lb></lb>
be Inclosed and Embanked at the Expence of the Lord Mayor Aldermen and<lb></lb>
Commons in Common Council Assembled One Penny per Foot Superficial<lb></lb>
Measure for every Superficial Foot thereof payable to the said Mayor Comonalty<lb></lb>
and Citizens for ever at Lady Day and Michaelmas the first Payment to<lb></lb>
begin on such of those Days as should first happen after such respective<lb></lb>
Embankments shall be Finished.</p>
<p n="2031"> <note type="authorial" place="margin">492</note>
And It is further Enacted that the said Quit Rent Charged on the<lb></lb>
Ground which at the Time of such respective Embankments shall be<lb></lb>
held by any Tenant under any Lease or Agreement in Writing shall-<lb></lb>
during the Continuance of the Term be paid by such Tenants over and<lb></lb>
above the Rents reserved by such Leases or Agreements respectively</p>
<p n="2032">Provided that where such Ground and Soil shall be Embanked at the<lb></lb>
Charge of the Landlord the Tenants thereof holding under such Leases or<lb></lb>
Agreements shall during the Continuance of the Term pay the Landlord<lb></lb>
over and above the said Quit Rent and the Rent reserved by such Leases<lb></lb>
or Agreements an Additional Yearly Rent of Three Farthings per Foot<lb></lb>
Superficial Measure for every Superficial Foot contained in the Ground so<lb></lb>
Embanked to Commence at the same time with the ether Quit Rent and to<lb></lb>
be recovered in the same manner as the Rent reserved under such Leases<lb></lb>
or Agreements</p>
<p n="2033"> <note type="authorial" place="margin">493</note>
And it is further Enacted that in all Cases not herein before mentioned<lb></lb>
the Tenants of any of <rs type="placeName" id="BBBRMG20208_geo1041">the said Wharfs</rs>
<interp inst="BBBRMG20208_geo1041" type="placeName" value="the said Wharfs"></interp>
<interp inst="BBBRMG20208_geo1041" type="type" value="undefined"></interp>
or Ground should pay the Quit Rent<lb></lb>
and Deduct the same out of their Rents and on payment thereof should be<lb></lb>
Discharged of so much Money as if the same had been paid to the Landlord<lb></lb>
And if any Difference should arise between the Landlord Tenant or any<lb></lb>
other Person concerning such Quit Rent The Court of Mayor and Aldermen<lb></lb>

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