<div1 type="BR_MGpage" id="BBBRMG20208MG202080165"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="BBBRMG202080165"></xptr>
<p n="1299">Continued Thursday 20th. June 1765</p>
<p n="1300">That he shall Supervise all the Servants and if any of them shall be remiss in<lb></lb>
their Duty to Acquaint the Weekly Committee To late care that the Orders for the good<lb></lb>
Government of the Hospital be Strictly Observed and if he finds any Disorder or<lb></lb>
Mismanagement he is to Acquaint the Committee</p>
<p n="1301">That he shall see performed all Causal Orders of the Court Committee or <rs type="occupation" id="BBBRMG20208_occ2091">treasurer</rs>
<interp inst="BBBRMG20208_occ2091" type="occupation" value="treasurer"></interp>
<p n="1302">That he shall go round the Galleries, and up into the Chequers both on the Means<lb></lb>
and Womens side every Monday Wednesday and Friday in the fore noon to see<lb></lb>
that the Galleries and the Cells are kept as elean and as neat as the Condition of<lb></lb>
the Patients will Admit, and that such Patients as are not fit to be Exposed are kept property<lb></lb>
Confined, that is, the Wickets of their Doors kept Street, as will as the Doors especially on<lb></lb>
the Womans side, and that he shall likewise Order the Men and Maids to Open<lb></lb>
and see that they do open the Upper Doors of those who are their Confined in the Summer<lb></lb>
time that the Circulation of her Air be no ways impeded</p>
<p n="1303">That he shall Observe the Glaizing and the Wires belonging to the Windows<lb></lb>
be kept tight, and in good order and Cause the Men or Maids to take away any rags<lb></lb>
Straw or other Nastiness that may be thrust there and which shall look unseemly to the<lb></lb>
<p n="1304">That he shall take Care that a proper Quantity of Coals be Distributed to the<lb></lb>
Rooms where Fires are Allowed, Direct the Cinders to be Sifted and suffer no Wash<lb></lb>
to be made thereof or therein</p>
<p n="1305">That he shall Advertize the Weekly Committee if any Repairs are Wanting<lb></lb>
that Notice may be given thereof to the Surveyor</p>
<p n="1306">That he shall every Friday go round the House and take Down in Writing what<lb></lb>
any of the Patients may want in regard to their Cloathing and lay the same before the<lb></lb>
Committee the next Day that what ever is necessary may be provided by Order of the Committee</p>
<p n="1307">That he shall not provide any thing for the Patients without and Previous Order<lb></lb>
unless it be by the Desire of the Physician or on Special necessity; if Notwithstanding this<lb></lb>
the friends of any Patient shall think proper to Order Particular things, they must<lb></lb>
Sign their Names in the Stewards Book to their Order</p>
<p n="1308">That he shall go down into the Kitchen on every Tuesday Thursday and Saturday<lb></lb>
in the Morning time enough to see the Provisions that are taken in that they an<lb></lb>
According to the Contract and laid ready for the Inspection of the <rs type="occupation" id="BBBRMG20208_occ2092">governors</rs>
<interp inst="BBBRMG20208_occ2092" type="occupation" value="governors"></interp>
if any come<lb></lb>
to View them, if none come he shall see them Weigh'd himself and enter the Weight down<lb></lb>
in his Book to be seen and Examined by the Committee on Saturday</p>
<p n="1309">That he shall number the pieces of Meat before they are put into the Pot, that the<lb></lb>
Assistant Basket Man or such other Person who Cuts up the Dinner may Acquaint<lb></lb>
the Steward with the Number of Pieces Cut up to see if their Accounts Tally</p>
<p n="1310">That he shall take Care that no more Provisions are Drest than are Necessary<lb></lb>
for the Servants and the Patients in the House. And in Order to know this with more<lb></lb>
Certainty the Number of Patients who are on the sick List shall Constantly hang up in the Cutting<lb></lb>
<p n="1311">That he shall not suffer the Small Beer Cellar to be opened but at the Usual<lb></lb>
Hours nor any person to Draw Beer Except the Assistant Basket Man and he to Draw<lb></lb>
only one Hour at Dinner and half an Hour at Supper</p>
<p n="1312">That he shall take all necessary Care that the Cook make no Waste of Provisions<lb></lb>
or Appropriate to herself Perquisites which are not her due</p>
<p n="1313">That he shall not suffer any Strong Beer to be brought into the House for any<lb></lb>
Patient whatever but at Particular Hours for such Persons and in such Quantity as<lb></lb>
shall be Directed by the Physician Surgeon or Apothecary and Set down by them in a<lb></lb>
Written List, and in Order to do this more Compleatly and put a Stop to the bringing in of<lb></lb>
Beer it is Expressly Ordered that none shall come into the House for any Patient but thro<lb></lb>
the Stewards Appartment</p>
<p n="1314">That he shall Advertize the Committee of the Death of the Securities of the<lb></lb>
Incurable Patients or either of them as soon as it comes to his knowledge and<lb></lb>

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