<div1 type="BR_MGpage" id="BBBRMG20207MG202070031"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="BBBRMG202070031"></xptr>
<p n="434">Window. Tax to be paid P Steward<obscured></obscured>
Slap 17515<lb></lb>
WinderJno. Elected Apothecary6<lb></lb>
Webb.. Jas. to be delivd. to St Dunstans Parish8<lb></lb>
Waddington Wm. B<obscured></obscured>
for Lyon (hax, No. 6) Refd10<lb></lb>
Williams. Richd to be put Appr27<lb></lb>
Williams Morgn. to be put Appr38<lb></lb>
White Jas. Retn. for Locks Gift45<lb></lb>
Window Tax to be pd P Stewd 1 yr Laday 175269<lb></lb>
White. James to have £10 P Locks Gift70<lb></lb>
doto have £5 Fowkes Gift 79<lb></lb>
Wapping (No. 15) not to be Leased till (No. 16) Expired90</p>
<p n="435"> <hi rend="brace"> <lb></lb>
Walpole Thos Esqr Report & Petr. for Lease in Old Beth<lb></lb>
(No. 7. 8) Referr'd<hi rend="braceResult">104</hi>
<p n="436">Window Tax 1 yr. Laday 1753 to be Pd by Steward109<lb></lb>
Wellet Autho. to be Apprentice110</p>
<p n="437">Walpole Thos. Esqr. to have Lease of Ground in<lb></lb>
Old Bethlem part of No. 7. 8)}<lb></lb>
<p n="438">Wenden Wm. Shoemaker resigned & Vacancy declard.. 131<lb></lb>
Wright Richard Elected Porter of Bethlem Hospl 117<lb></lb>
Williams Robt. to be Appr132<lb></lb>
Ward Henry Remanded to Mathews Hole132</p>
<p n="439">Waters. Jos. Pet. that a Lease Lymestr (No. 4)<lb></lb>
wch was to be made to Mrs. Farands late<lb></lb>
Husband Danl. Ferrand may be made<lb></lb>
to him Ordered}<lb></lb>
<p n="440">Willshy. Thos to be Apprentice140<lb></lb>
Wright. Charles to be Apprentice140</p>
<p n="441">Waters. Jos. to have a Lease instead of<lb></lb>
Danl. Ferrand deced Lymestr (No. 6).}<lb></lb>
<p n="442">Winchelsea Charles to be Apprentice146<lb></lb>
Workmen at Both. Order for affidts. to their bills Repealed 147</p>
<p n="443">Walpoler Thos. Esqr. his Hope in Beth street<lb></lb>
to be taken down}<lb></lb>
<p n="444">Window Tax. 1 yr. Laday 1754 to be pd by Steward154<lb></lb>
Wilby Wm. Weaver Elected Artsmaster166</p>
<p n="445">Waters Jos. his Monrl. about a Passage to Lime street<lb></lb>
Stept by East India Compa Referrd}<lb></lb>
<p n="446">Westcol Thos<lb></lb>
to be Apprentices170</p>
<p n="447">Workmen & Trades<obscured></obscured>
to these Hospitals to be appointed<lb></lb>
by the Comittee of this House}<lb></lb>
<p n="448">Wilson Mr. Francis Nominated a Governor175<lb></lb>
confirmed 183 reced his Charg<lb></lb>
WilksMr James Nominated a Governor175<lb></lb>
confirm'd 183 reced his Charg<lb></lb>
WardTho Honble. Jno. EsqNomd. a Governor175<lb></lb>
confirmed 183 reced his Charge<lb></lb>
WildMr Thos Nomd. a Governor176<lb></lb>
confirmed 184 reced his Charge197</p>
<p n="449">Wheeler Mr. Thos-Nomd. a Govr. 176<lb></lb>
confirmed 184 reced his Charge 186<lb></lb>
Webster Mr. John Nomd. a Govr. 177<lb></lb>
confirmed 184 reced his Charge<lb></lb>
Williams Edwd. Esq Nomd. a Govr. 177<lb></lb>
confirmed 184 reced his charge 246<lb></lb>
Woodhouse Mr John Nomd. a Govr. 177<lb></lb>
confirmed 184 reced his Charge 197<lb></lb>
Wilson Mr- Jas.-Nomd. a Govr. 177<lb></lb>
confirmed 183 reced his charge<lb></lb>
Window Tax 1 yr Laday 1755 to be pd by Rusd. 180<lb></lb>
Williams Wm. to be Appr180<lb></lb>
Williams Edwd. to be Appr190<lb></lb>
Whitefoot Henry to be Appr198<lb></lb>
Wallington Mr. Depty Elected Trear 207</p>
<p n="450">Waters. Jas. (Lymestr Square No. 4) Le<obscured></obscured>
wch he was to have Orderd to be<lb></lb>
reced to Richd. Oliver Esq}<lb></lb>
<p n="451">West <obscured></obscured>
Artsmaster Petr. for Charity refd. to nest Court 216</p>
<p n="452">Woodroffe Jas. at block for cutting off<lb></lb>
his Badge sent home to his Master}<lb></lb>
<p n="453">Window Tax 1 yr. Laday 1756 to be pd by Stewd. 220</p>
<p n="454">West Obadiah Artsmaster Petr. for<lb></lb>
Charity rejected}<lb></lb>
<p n="455">Wallis Henry to be Apprenticed227</p>
<p n="456">Williams Robt. Security at the block for<lb></lb>
takeing off his Badge dis<obscured></obscured>
<p n="457">Wright Jno to be Appr237</p>
<p n="458">Willsbry Richd. Appr<obscured></obscured>
Corrected (in<lb></lb>
the Pre<obscured></obscured>
of the<obscured></obscured>
he me to his Master<obscured></obscured>
<p n="459">Window Tax 1 year Laday 1757 to<lb></lb>
be pd. by the Stewd.}<lb></lb>
<p n="460">Wight. Mr. Moses Elected Minister<lb></lb>
& Beacher of Bridewell}<lb></lb>
<p n="461">Window Tax 1 year Laday 1758<lb></lb>
to be paid by the Steward}<lb></lb>
<p n="462">Whitlock Geo. Petr. for Lease house<lb></lb>
Wapp (No. 6) refd282</p>
<p n="463">Wilson Mr Fras petr. Lease 5 houses<lb></lb>
Charing Cross (No 1) refd}<lb></lb>
<p n="464">doTo have a Lease of 5 houses<lb></lb>
at Charing Cross (No 1)}<lb></lb>

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