Bridewell Royal Hospital:
Minutes of the Court of Governors

26th December 1722 - 15th December 1737

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Currently Held: Bethlem Royal Hospital Archives

LL ref: BBBRMG202050199

Image 199 of 49115th November 1728

18th. Novr. 1728


Upon Reading the humble Petition of John Jenkins< no role > Citizen or Haberdasher off
London prayingto be Elected Porter to the said Hospital of Bridewell in the room of Mr.
Peter Pickering< no role > deced And the Question being put that the said John Jenkins< no role > be
Elected Porter to the said Hospital of Bridewell He was nemine contradicente Elected
Porter of the said Hospital till the next Election day And it is Ordered That
upon his giving Such Security as shall be approvd of by the Comittee of this house That he
and his Family upon notice given to or left for him or them by order of the President or
Treasurer and any twelve of the Governors of this Hospital for the time being will
depart from this Hospital and also to indempnify the Governors of this Hospital and
their Successors and the said Hospital and the precinct thereof and the Inhabitant therein
from all charges and demands for or by reason of his the said John Jenkins< no role > or his Family
inhabiting in this Hospital He the said John Jenkins< no role > be admitted Porter of the said
Hospital of Bridewell till the next Election dayAnd that he shall have & enjoy
the usual Sallary and Perquisites of the said Office and also the rooms & Chambers in this
Hospital which the said Peter Pickering< no role > hadAnd it is further Ordered
That the said John Jenkins< no role > be Sworne Constable of this Hospital and Precinct at his
Predecessors in the said office have usually been

Election to be always ye.
last thing done at a Court}

It is Ordered That when an Election is to be made at any Court for
the future the whole business of the Court shall be done before any Petition relating to
such Election shall be road.

Lee of Allocady to ye. Clerk to
recover Rents of Bethlem&
another to ye. Steward to recover
Rents of Bridewell}

Order'd That a Letter of Attorney be made from the Governors to
the Clerk of these Hospitals the better to enable him from time to time to recover in
the Rents belonging to Bethlem HospitalAnd another Letter of Attorney
from ye Governors to ye Steward of Bridewell Hospital the better to enable him
from time to time to recover in th Rents belonging to the said Hospital of Bridewell.

Etc & Kat

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