Bridewell Royal Hospital:
Minutes of the Court of Governors

6th January 1689 - 8th August 1695

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Currently Held: Bethlem Royal Hospital Archives

LL ref: BBBRMG202010319

Image 319 of 5004th October 1693

And the aforesaid Mr. Penton Mr. Atterbury Dr.
Hancock and Mr. Jenks being severally putt into nocacon
for the same It appeared plainly by plurality of hands
that the same fell betweene the said Mr. Penton and Mr.
Atterbuty who being a gen putt into nomination for one
of them to be chosen into the place aforesaid The night
Hospll. Sr. Robt. Geffery< no role > Knt . and Alderman President of
these Hospll. was pleased to Declare his opinion That
it appeared to him that the plurality of hands were for the
said Mr. Atterbury And thereupon some of the Governr.
here prsent declaring they were not fully satisfyed
in the said Eleccon and desiring a Poll betweene the
said Mr. Penton and Mr. Atterbury the same was granted
And it was desired by this Court That such of the Governrs.
as were for the Admittance of the said Mr. Penton to the
place aforesaid should withdraw themselves into the
Dining Roome, and such Governors as were for the
admittance of the said Mr. Atterbury should remaine in
the Court Room of this Hospll. wch. being Done Tellers were
appointed Vizt. Mr. Comon. Sevjt. James Mundy< no role > Esqr . Mr.
Dept. Brerewood and Mr. Wm. Fazakerly< no role > who having taken
an Account of the severall numbers and the Governors
who were with drawn returning and taking their plates
agen in this Court the said Mr. Comon Seryt. and other the
said Tellers Did declare in the Prsence of the said
President and all the said Governr. now here agen
assembles together That the number of the said
Governors who soe as aforesaid withdrew themselves
into the Dining Room was Seaventy besides the
two Folkers And that the numbers of the Governors
who continued in the said Court Room were ninety
one besides the Two Tellers Whereupon It is
Ordered by this Court That the said Mr. Atterbury be
now here admitted Minister and preacher for this
Hospll. and Precinct To hold and enjoy the same
during the Pleasure to this Court And that he
imediately enter upon the Duties and services incident
and belonging to the same place.

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