Bridewell Royal Hospital:
Minutes of the Court of Governors

6th January 1689 - 8th August 1695

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Currently Held: Bethlem Royal Hospital Archives

LL ref: BBBRMG202010310

Image 310 of 5008th September 1693

Timothy Davis< no role >
to Bethlem
at 2s:6d P Week}

Upon the humble Peticon of Margarett
< no role > for some mittigacon of the weekly paymt.
of Five Shillings for the keeping of Timothy Davis< no role >
her Son a poor Lunaticke in the Hospll. of Bethlem
he beeing there Kept at the Petrs, Charge who is
not able any longer to bear the same It is
Ordered by this Court That Security being
given to pay Two Shillings and Six pence or weeke
for his keeping there for the future That then the
same shall be accepted and the bond for payment
of Five Shillings a weeks be Delivered up to be cancelled

Joseph Reyner< no role >

Also upon reading the Certificate of Mr. John
< no role > and Mr. Edmd. Bowlsworth< no role > (two of the
Governors of these Hosplls.) That upon Inquiry
they doe find That Joseph Rayner< no role > weaver (who
was brought up Apprentice with John Brown< no role >
Weaver (one of the Artsmaster of this Hospll.) and
Since made a Freeman of this Citty by the Approbacon
of this Court) is sett up for himselfe in his said
Trade and hath a Bedd in his Chamber of his own
and a Loom, and hath a good Reporte amongst
his neighhbours It is Ordered by this Court
That Mr. Trear Baker doe [..] give and payments
him Tenne pounds out of the profitts of Mr. Locks
Gift the better to enable him to manage his
said Trade to be allowed Mr. Trear in his next

New Governr .

Also at this Court George Beckford< no role > Esqr . was
nominated to be a Governr. of these Hospll. by Mr.

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