Bridewell Royal Hospital:
Minutes of the Court of Governors

6th January 1689 - 8th August 1695

About this document type

Currently Held: Bethlem Royal Hospital Archives

LL ref: BBBRMG202010304

Image 304 of 50025th August 1693

London }

A Court holden at the Hospll. of
Bridewell on Fryday the 25th. Augst. 1693

Daniell Baker< no role > Esqr . Treasurer

Mr. White
Mr. Baker
Mr. Lugg
Mr. Fenks
Mr. Bettison
Mr. Deputy Moor
Mr. Pengry
Mr. Flitzgerald
Mr. Pattle

Mr. Hartley
Mr. Wareing
Mr. Pochin
Mr. Kemp
Mr. Slaughter
Mr. Smith
Mr. Deputy Gardiner

Samuell Lovett< no role > P Warrt. of Sr. Patience Ward charged
by George State< no role > his Master for a [..] idle and
Disorderly Servant for adsenting himselfe
from his service severall times and refusing
to come home to him
To Labr.

John Bussell< no role > P Order of Sessions being a very
Disorderly Pson convicted for assaulting &
abuseing of Stephen Gifford< no role > one of the
Constables of this Citty in the Execucon of his
Office and one who frequently abuseth the
Constables on their Watch.
To Labr .

Eliz: Essex< no role > P warrt. of Sr . Robert Geffery< no role > charged
by Thomas Garrett< no role > upon Suspicion of picking
his pockett of above 30s. or theseabouts

Alice Chamberlain< no role >
Eliz: Banks< no role > }
P Warrt. of Lord Mayor being
idle vagrants and taken late
last night by the Constables
in the Streets.

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