Old Bailey Proceedings:
Old Bailey Proceedings: Accounts of Criminal Trials
24th October 1753
502. (M)
, were indicted for that they
in a certain field, or open place, near the king's highway, on
, did make an assault, putting him in corporal fear and danger of his life, 3 s pair of stockings, val. 40 s. 3 worsted caps, val. 4 s. and a linnen bag, val. 4 d. the goods of the said Edward, did steal take and carry away
, Sept. 26
Edward Menton. On the 26th of September last, a little after 10 at night, as I was coming from Islington
, 3 persons over took me just by the Dog-and Duck
, it was so dark, I cannot say who they were, they past me, then all 3 turn'd about, and one of them knock'd me into a ditch, with his fist, they then took my bag, with the things mentioned in the indictment, and went away, I saw no more of them. I then cried out to the watch, and people came from the Wells to my assistance. I told them I was robb'd, and almost murdered, I was afraid to go home, so I went to Clerkenwell round-house, there I staid till 4 o'clock next morning, and then went home into Silverstreet. I advertised the stockings, but could hear nothing of them. The prisoners were taken up for another robbery, I went to see them in Bridewell, there the evidence Bullock said he knew me, and that I was the man they robbed of the stockings.
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. On the 26th of September, the two prisoners at the bar and I met the prosecutor up by the Water-works, it was about 11 at the night, we follow'd him down till we came to the Dog-and Duck, there the prisoner Clark knock'd him down, then he took a bundle of stockings and went away. In about an hour after, I went to his lodgings, then we went and pawn'd the stockings at several places, and shar'd the money, which amounted to about 9 or 10 shillings a-piece.
James Brabrook. (He produces some stockings;) I had these stockings from several pawnbrokers, all but one pair, which I took off from the legs of the woman that lived with the prisoner. Jackson said that Clark knock'd the prosecutor down, and took the stockings from him, and that he had part of them. Clark would not confess any thing.
< no role > This name instance is in set 3232.
. The prisoner Jackson sent for Brabrook to Old-Bridewell, and desir'd him to get him admitted an evidence. He said he had been guilty of divers robberies, especially of knocking a man down in the fields, and stealing several pairs of stockings. He told Brabrook where he might go and find one pair, which was pawn'd for 18 d. we went and found them. ( Produc'd in court, and depos'd to by the prosecutor, by the mark B. O upon them.)
The prisoners had nothing to say in their defence, but Clark called the following witnesses to his character.
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, I live at Queenbithe, and keep the Sun-and-Wheatsheaf, I have known him this 16 years, I never knew any thing of him of this kind in my life, he was guilty of a little drinking, or so, but not of such things as this.
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. I live in Thames-street, and am a Smith, I have known him these 18 or 20 years, he always had the character of a good working fellow; he has been guilty of some little follies, as drinking, and not behaving so well as he should do.
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. I have known him several years, he has a very good character as far as ever I heard.
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. I have known him these ten years, he liv'd errand-boy where I was servant, and was very honest, I never heard the contrary till now.
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. I have known him above 15 months, I never knew any thing amiss of him, before he was link'd into this company, but what he was a very sober young man.
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. I have known him going on these eight years, he had, as far as I know, a very good character.
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, I have known him above this 12 month, he has a very good character.
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. I have known him about three years, he always bore the character of a very honest man.
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. I have known him about seven years, he always bore the character of a very sober young fellow.
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. I have known him about thirteen years, I never knew any thing amiss of him till some months since he has been linked into this gang.