Old Bailey Proceedings:
Old Bailey Proceedings: Accounts of Criminal Trials
4th December 1751
3. (M.)
, was indicted for that
he, on the 2d of November
, about the hour of one in the night, the dwelling house of
, did break and enter, and steal two silver watches, value 4 l. five gold rings, value 50 shillings, seven silver spoons, value 15 shillings, five silver thimbles, two silver stock-buckles, four pair of silver sleeve-buttons with stones, two stay-buckles with Bristol stones; two shirts, two pair of sleeves, three pair of stock-ings, three woollen aprons, one white apron, eight handkerchiefs, silk and cotton, a wooden drawer and other things; thirty shillings in halfpence
. *.
Israel Buckee. I am a pawnbroker
, and live in Holywell-lane, Shoreditch
; on the 2d of November betwixt the hours of one and five my wash-house was broke open, from thence into the cellar, then the door was burst open into my shop which is over it: my drawers and show-glass were broke open. [He shewed a pair of tongs much bent.] These tongs, when I went to bed after making all fast, were standing in my chimney in the parlour; I found in this condition, laying in the shop, the things mentioned in the indictment gone; the prisoner and evidence absconded, they lived in the neighbourhood, I knew them well. On the Monday after a man came to me and said there was a drawer lying in the field behind Holywell-Mount, I went and found it to be mine ; there were some old cloaths laying by it, which I apprehended might belong to the prisoner. I took an officer and went and searched the prisoner's father's house on the 21st of November, but could not find him: then I went and searched Guest's house and took him. I took him before justice Withers, there he owned he, the prisoner and the prisoner's brother Joseph, rob'd me of the goods mentioned, that the prisoner and he had sold them, some at Salisbury, some at Newbery, some at Bristol, and some at Reading ; he had on a cap and a pair of shoes, my property, which I then lost, I found nothing more.
Q. What time did you go to bed that night?
Buckee. I went to bed at one in the morning. I awaked at five, and did not sleep after, and heard no noise till I got up, which was about eight.
< no role >
. I was coming along Holywell-lane, the prisoner called to me, it was on a Saturday, I don't know the day of the month, he asked me to drink, we did; then he asked me to go with him to Old George-street, he went there under pretence to try on a coat, as soon as he had got it on he ran away, and I after him, he went and sold it for 15 pence, and went and drank at the Black Dog in Shoreditch, then we went to his father's; he asked his brother to come with him and bring a Chissel, so we went all three to the prosecutor's house, we broke into the wash-house through some boards, they both went in, I stayed without, we was there about half an hour, they brought out two silver watches, five gold rings, five silver thimbles, some quantity of buttons, eight handkerchiefs, and other things: then the prisoner and I went to Bristol, his brother went home. Some of the things we sold going, some there, some coming back, I don't know the towns names; coming back the prisoner took seven silver spoons out of his pocket and flung them away, they being mark'd fearing they should be catched, the prisoner throwed the drawer over into a field by the side of Holywell-Mount, I pulled off my old rag of a shirt, a waistcoat, and apron, and throwed them away a little distance from the field where he throwed the drawer.
Q. How long were you absent?
Guest. About three weeks.
Q. to the Prosecutor. What distance were the old cloaths from the drawer?
Buckee. They were lying within a yard of each other, if any body had brought them there that first found the drawer, that I can't tell.
P. I
< no role >
was in Bridewell, and heard the prisoner say, he could make a greater discovery than Guest could, and that he could get more goods in a house than Guest could.
< no role > This name instance is in set 3232.
. I was at the taking the prisoner at the bar, in Featherstone-street. He begged he might be admitted an evidence about this robbery. I told him he should if possible. He said his brother was not guilty, but he himself was. He also in my hearing begged of 'Squire Withers to be admitted an evidence, but the other was admitted before.
< no role >
. I heard the prisoner own before 'Squire Withers, he was one that robbed Mr. Buckee's house, saying
< no role >
had not been with him in any other robbery but that.
Prisoner's Defence.
When I was in Bridewell last Sunday was a week, this long Charles, who makes it his bread to swear people's lives away, came to me and bid me pull off my shirt and say it was Mr. Buckee's shirt, and I should get clear. At the time of the robbery I was on board an Indiaman that is in the river.