Old Bailey Proceedings:
Old Bailey Proceedings: Accounts of Criminal Trials
10th July 1745
334. +
Norman*, otherwise
, was indicted for
, on the King's highway, putting him in fear, &c. and taking from him a silver watch, value 50 s. and a steel seal, val. 1 s. his property
, Sep. 28
*The Prisoner was in the information of
< no role > This name instance is in set 3509.
, otherwise Daddy, otherwise Old Man, who was evidence against six of the street robbers last December sessions, who were executed. The evidence of Jones the Prosecutor, and Harper the accomplice, with regard to the robbery, were much the same, as on that trial to which I refer you, December sessions, Number 3, page 42, trial 78.
< no role >
. The Prisoner was taken up about about two sessions ago, and I could not take upon me to swear to him then, because somebody had pushed a stick in his eye, and his eye was almost out, and the blood ran over his face; he has a mark upon the back of his hand. [Now he swore positively that the prisoner was one of the gang that robbed Mr. Jones]
Prisoner. When I was carried to the Poultry Counter, I was carried before Harper, and he was asked whether I was the person, and he said he is not the Norman, the other Norman was pitied with the small pox, and he is a head taller; [the prisoner was not pitied with the small pox.]
< no role >
. When Norman was first taken, Harper said he did not believe him to be the man, and afterwards he desired me to tell the Sheriffs he believed he was the man.
< no role > This name instance is in set 3232.
, otherwise Long Charles. Harper told the prisoner that he had hanged men enough already, and he did not care to hang any more for fear of being killed.
Harper. Those were not the words; I said I would not say any thing till I came before my Lord Mayor.
Remmington. Those were the words he said.
Q. How long did you know the prisoner before he was taken up?
Harper. About three or four years: I thought he was the same man at first, but when I saw the marks upon his hand I was positive.