Ordinary of Newgate Prison:
Ordinary's Accounts: Biographies of Executed Convicts
24th December 1744
THE ORDINARY of NEWGATE, His ACCOUNT of the Behaviour, Confession, &c.
AT the King's Commission of Oyer and Terminer, and Jail-delivery of Newgate, held before the Right Hon. HENRY MARSHAL< no role >
, Esq
; Lord Mayor of the City of London
, the Right Hon. Lord Chief Justice WILES, the Hon. Mr. Justice ABNEY, the Hon. Sir SIMON URLIN< no role >
, Knt. Recorder of the City of London
, and others his Majesty's Justices for the City of London, and County of Middlesex, and Justices for the City of London and Jail-delivery of Newgate, at Justice-hall, in the Old-Baily, on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Monday the 5th
, 6th
, 7th
, 8th
and 10th
of this Instant December, 1744.
Twenty Men, viz. John Hill< no role >
, John Potbury< no role > This name instance is in set 3511.
, David Shadow< no role >
, James Ruggles< no role >
, Sulpice Duclot< no role >
, Samuel Goodman< no role >
, Benjamin David Woolfe< no role >
, William Billingsley< no role > This name instance is in set 3510.
, otherwise Gugg< no role >
, William Brister< no role >
, otherwise Dillsey< no role >
, James Roberts< no role > This name instance is in set 3223.
, Henry Gadd< no role > This name instance is in set 3513.
, otherwise Scampey< no role >
, Theophilus Watson< no role > This name instance is in set 3519.
, Robert Carter< no role > This name instance is in set 3508.
, Patrick Bourck< no role >
, otherwise John Bourks< no role >
, George Ellis< no role >
, James Leekey< no role > This name instance is in set 4113.
, William Robinson< no role >
, William Norwill< no role > This name instance is in set 3507.
, otherwise Long Will, Joseph Field< no role > This name instance is in set 3512.
, otherwise Nobby< no role >
, and Thomas Wells< no role >
, and one Woman, viz. Hannah Moses< no role >
, were by the Jury convicted of capital Crimes, and sentenced to die.
WHILE under Sentence, they had constant and suitable Exhortations given them in respect to their several unhappy Cases, and in the stated Course of my Ministrations, were earnestly invited to accept of the purchased Salvation of the Son of God, from an Improvement of those Words of the Prophet, Ho! every one that thirsteth, come ye to the Waters, and he that hath no Money, come ye buy and eat, yea, come buy Wine and Milk without Money and without Price. Isaiah lv. I. From hence, occasion was taken to set forth the Fulness and Freeness of that Salvation we have by Christ, and Encouragement given to all of applying to Christ for the Waters of Eternal Life. They seemed in some Measure affected, whilst I thus opened and illustrated this Passage of Scripture, and I hope were enabled to make a particular Application of it to themselves.