St Thomas's Hospital:
Minute Books of Courts and Committees

13th December 1704 - 6th November 1724

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMTHMC552030348

Image 348 of 37920th March 1724

not used to Slide up. He is to pay only A pepper
Corne for the first Quarters Real.

He Gave Five Guineas to the Poors Box

Ordered That the way into the Vault under the House
Lett at Last Committee to Mr Thomas be arched over
with Brick at the Hospitalls Charge.

John Cotteris

Mr. Cotton on behalfe of her Husband John Cotton< no role > of
Clapton in Hackney Higher Agreed to Take the Little
House and Land abt. 16 Acres late in Possession of
Bartholomew Evans< no role > Deceased lying in or near Clapton
in Hackney aforesaid for One Year from Lady Day
next At £32. P Ann Tax Free To be paid Quarterly
at the Counting House He is to Repaire the Chimney of
the said Little House

The Appointing of a Generall Court is deferred for
some time at the Request of Mr. Guy.

New Governrs:

Ordered That Green Staffs be sent to the following
Psons vizt: Mr. Thomas Martin< no role > . Mr. Benjamin Collyer< no role > Junr.
Mr. Samuel Lessingham< no role > Charles Joye< no role > Esqr. Mr. Thomas
< no role > Junr. Sr. William Thompson< no role > Knt. George Heathcote< no role >
Esqr. Mr. Edward Owen< no role > Henry Lyell< no role > Esqr. Mr. Thomas Woolley< no role >
Captn Daniel Lock< no role > & Mr. William Lock< no role > his Son.

Grand Comittee Ven: 20o: March
1723 :

Trear .

Minutes of last Grand Comittee Read & Ay [..]
Mr. Treasurer Acquainted the Committee That he had
Caused Insurances to be made in the Hand in hand Fire
Office Upon the Two New Built Houses at the Entrance into
the Hospital out of the Burrough And upon Three Houses
in Pater Noster Rowe

Ordered that the Leaden Pipe for Carrying the Water
from the maine in Sr. Thomas's Street into the Yard
belonging to Captn. Rose's Tennants be Removed and
altered at the Hospitall's Charge according to the
Agreement made between the Hospitall and him for
that purpose And Mr. Treasurer in desired to give
Directions therein.

Mr. Trear is desired to give Orders for the making of
new Blew Coats for the four Beadles against Easter [..]
as usual And also New Gowns for the Two Porters.

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