Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

October 1781

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS507450053

Image 53 of 103

City, Brough and Town,
of Westminster , in the
County of Middlesex .}.
At the General Quarter Session of the Peace, of our Lord
the King, holden at the GUILDHALL, in and for
the Liberty of the Dean and Chapter of the Collegiate Church
of Saint Peter, Westminster ; in the City, Borough, and Town
of Westminster , in the County of Middlesex , and Saint Martin le
Grand , London: by Adjournment on Saturday
the thirteenth day of October in the
21st Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord, George the
Third, King of Great Britain Etc. Etc.

The King

Agt. Thos. Limpus< no role > This name instance is in set 263626362636. & and. and Thos. Barton< no role > , for Petit Larceny
It is Ordered by the Court that Mr. John Benson< no role > the
Treasurer of the County of Middlesex Do forthwith pay unto
Henry Bambridge< no role > a Witness bound by Recognizance to Give
Evidence in the above Prosecutions the Sum of Twelve Shillings
for his Trouble Expences and loss of time Attending the said
Prosecution pursuant to the late Act of Parliament

To Mr Benson
the Treasurer

By the Court

Received the above
Contents of Mrs Smith
[..] th [..] Baunb [..]

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