By Adjornmt. on Thursday the 15th. day of January 1735
Order made upon the
Report of the Comittee agt.
the Sellers of Geneva Etc
and for printing the Said
Report in the Daily
Advertiser & London
Evening post and for
drawing a petition to the
[..] honble. House of
Comons. to Order a Bill to
be brought in to prevent
& Suppress the immoderat
drinking of Geneva &
other distilled Spirituous
liquors Etc.}
Upon reading the Report of
Thomas Lane< no role >
John Milner< no role >
Jeffreys Jacob Harvey< no role >
John Mercer< no role >
William Booth< no role >
Chamberlain & Merry< no role >
. Justices of the peace
this County made unto this Court in pursnance of an Order
made at the last Quarter Sessions of the peace held for the
Said County, whereby It
[..] was referred unto them, among
others, to inform themselves of the Number both of licenced &
unlicenced houses, Shops, and places within the weekly
Bills of Mortality & parts adjacent in this County where
Geneva & other distilled Spirituous liquors are Sold by retail,
and to inquire into the mischeifs occasioned thereby This
Court doth approve of the Said Report And doth Order that the
thanks of this Court be and they are hereby given for the Same
unto the Committee of his Maties Justices of the peace
of this
County (who made the Said Inquiry) in general, and to the
Thomas Lane< no role >
. Chairman
of the Said Committee
in particular, And doth Order that, for a publick good, the
Said Report be printed in two of the publick News papers
(to witt) the Daily Advertiser and the London Evening post
And that the Said Report be also entred in the publick Book
of Orders of the Sessions of the peace for this County, And
this Court is of opinion that it is requisite & necessary that
a petition in the name of the Justices of the peace
of this
County assembled at this present Sessions be preferred to
the honble. House of Commons
in parliament assembled
thereby praying that they will be pleased to Order a Bill to be
brought in for the preventing and Suppressing the
immoderate drinking of Geneva and other distilled Spirituous
liquors by Such ways & means as the Said honble. House Shall
adjudge proper & effectual for that purpose And this Court doth
there upon Order & direct that it be And It is hereby recommended
& referred unto the former Committee of his Maties Justices of
the peace of this County to whom it was recommended to
make the Inquiry above mentioned (to witt) the Said Thomas
Lane Esqr.
Richard Newton< no role >
John Milner< no role >
William Stevart< no role >
Nathaniel Chandler
< no role >
William Booth
< no role >
Blackerby Anthony< no role >
Chamberlain Jacob Harvey< no role >
Simon Michell< no role >
Alexander Garrett< no role >
Andrew Osborne< no role >
Nathaniel Chandler< no role >
William Booth< no role >
William Phillipps< no role > This name instance is in set 3505.
Henry Dodson< no role >
Thomas Robe< no role >
. fifteen of
his Maties Justices of the peace
for this County and other his Maties
Justices of the peace
for the Said County who Shall think fit to be present or
any three or more of them to draw up Such petition as aforesaid to
the Said honble. House of Commons
, And that after Such petition
Shall be drawn and approved off by the Said Justices or any three
of them that the Same be fairly written and carryed to the Justices
of the peace for this County assembled at this Sessions to be by them
Signed And that (after the Same Shall be by them Signed) Sr.
Child< no role >
Knt. one of the Representatives in Parliament for this
County be desired to exhibit the Same on behalf of the Justices of
the peace of this County to the Said honble. House of Commons
By the Court