<div1 type="TH_LBpage" id="LMTHLB55002LB550020072"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="LMTHLB550020072"></xptr>
<p n="754"> <rs type="date" id="LMTHLB55002_date51">Novr. 26. 1751</rs>
<interp inst="LMTHLB55002_date51" type="date" value="17511126"></interp>
<p n="755">Madm.<lb></lb>
Yr. Account of Timber markd by Mr Blake has<lb></lb>
been laid before Mr. Treasurer who has ordered me to write for<lb></lb>
Answer That, considering the Quantity, being near 300 Feet and that<lb></lb>
the Trees will be no better for standing longer, it appears as if they<lb></lb>
were markd rather for Sale then for such Repairs as are mention'd<lb></lb>
in Mr Rudd's Letter; which you will please to remember, I read to<lb></lb>
you when last in Town And contains Yr. Request for Leave to<lb></lb>
fill two or three Pollards to make some Gate Posts and two<lb></lb>
or three Sticks of Timber to repair the Plough & Carts<lb></lb>
Mr Treasurer therefore desires you will confine yr. Directions<lb></lb>
for marking Timber at this time to those Particulars only<lb></lb>
mentiond in that Letter and send an Accts. of such Trees as are<lb></lb>
now necessary for that Purpose, that Orders may be given<lb></lb>
<p n="756">I am Madm. Etc J: Wright</p>
<p n="757">To Mrs. Crosier at Pinner Middsex</p>
<p n="758">30th</p>
<p n="759">Madm.<lb></lb>
I recd. yrs. of the 28th. inst. in which you are pleased to observe<lb></lb>
that yo. have had no new Cart Wheels since Mr Aldwin had the Farme<lb></lb>
and have made Shift with yr. old wheels till they are quite worn out<lb></lb>
But Mr Treasurer hopes you will recollect that he allow'd you in<lb></lb>
May last six Pounds in full Satisfaction for rough Timber for<lb></lb>
Ploughs & Carts for the three Years then last past agreeable to<lb></lb>
yrs & Mr Rudds Proposal, and yrs. own Reced. for that Purpose<lb></lb>
And Mr. Treasurer has orderd me to add that he agrees to yr. Pposal<lb></lb>
of the Hosptl. allowing half the Expence of the Carpenter's and<lb></lb>
Wheelwright Work the finding Timber, but that the Hosptl,<lb></lb>
is to be allow'd the £6..- in that Expence</p>
<p n="760">J Wright</p>
<p n="761">To Mrs. Crosier at supre</p>

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