As to Such part of the Report
as relates to Mrs. Osborne the
of Mr. Osborne the late
of Hicks Hall
her freind who hath
applyed on her behalf, hath
not been heard before the
Committee, And no Order
made as to that part of
the Report
} the repair of the Roof only, And as to the pavement of the
Area which was Ordered to be done they found upon
examining into it that the cleansing of the Drains to carry
off the water will cost but little, and that to new pave it will
amount to five pounds, for which reason the Committee
did not think fit to contract with the pavior, And that they
have viewed the repairs Ordered And found that the
Workmen who contracted as aforesaid have performed the
work mentioned in their respective estimates above
mentioned in a workman like manner, Now upon reading
the Said Report made unto this Court in pursance of the Said
Order made in January Sessions last This Court doth ratify
& confirm So much of the Said Report as doth relate to the Said
repaires done by the Said
John Whitford< no role >
Jackson< no role >
John Warden< no role >
, & Cotes Dix
Painter, for doing of which they respectively contracted as
aforesaid for the Said Sums amounting together to the Said
Sum of ten pounds & eight Shillings, which repaires the
Committee certifyed as above to be performed by the Said
workmen in a Workmanlike manner, And as to be further
repairs which the Committee are of opinion are requisite &
wanting to be done & mentioned in the Said estimates of
Richard Jupp< no role >
Thomas Williams< no role >
Wainwright< no role >
Smith amounting together to the Said Sum of
twelve pounds nine Shillings and three pence This Court
doth Order that the Said further repaires be done & performed
by the Said Carpenter
, Glazier
& Smith, they contracting to
perform the Same in a workmanlike manner, And as to
Such part of the Said Report wherein it is mentioned that the
Committee Submitted to the consideration of the Court
whether the Scowring & cleansing of the Painters work in
the Said two Dining Rooms may not be Sufficient, and
whether the outside window Frames of the Said two Rooms
Should not be new painted for the better preservation
thereof, This Court doth Order & direct that Mr. Thomas
Northcote the present Housekeeper
of Hicks Hall
do cause the
Painter's work in the Said two rooms to be well cleaned So
as the Same may appear more decent & fit for the
accomodation of his Maties Justices of the peace
of this
County, But this Court doth also Order that if there Shall
hereafter be occasion to new paint the Said two Rooms the
Same Shall be done at the publick expence, and not at the
expence of the Housekeeper, And this Court doth further
Order that after an estimate of the charge of painting the Said
outside window Frames of the Said two Rooms Shall be brought in,
the Same Shall be new painted for the better preservation of the Same.
By the Court