Strong Waters, as well as Ale and Boer, tho'' tis highly probable
from the great and sudden decay of the Brewing Trade, without
any Diminution in the Number of Victuallers, That the
Quantities of Strong Waters now Drunk in Ale houses is vastly
increased of late beyond what was formerly usual. And it
appears by the Constables returns where they are distinguished
that the Number of Geneva and other Strong Water Shops are
fully equall to the Number of Ale houses, and rather exceed
than otherwise.
It is with the deepest Concern your Comittee observe, the strong
inclination of the inferior sort of people to these distructive
and yet, as if that were not sufficient, all Acts are
used to tempt and invite them all Chandlers, many
, and such who sell Fruit or Herbs in Stalls or
Wheelbarrows, sell Geneva, and may inferior Tradesmen
begin now to keep it in their Shopps for their Customers,
whereby it is scarce possible for Soldiers Seamen Servants
or others of their Ranke to go any where, without being
Drawn in either by those who sell it, or by their
acquaintance they meet within the Street, who generally
begin with inviting them to a Dram, which is every
where near at Hand, especially, where of all other places
it ought to be kept at the greatest distance, near
Churches, Workhouses, Stable Yards, and Marketts.
Your Comittee after having inform'd themselves as well
as they were able, of the Numbers of the Houses proceeded
to inquire, according to your Directions, into the mischiefs
ariseing from them and from the imoderate use of those
and more especially of Geneva And these appear
to be endless and innumerable, affecting not only
particular persons and Families but also the Trade of
the Nation, and the publick Welfare.
With respect to particular persons, It deprives them of
their Money, Time, Health, and understanding, weakens
and infeebles them to the last Degree, and yet while
under its imediate influence, raises the most Violent
and outrageous passions, renders them incapable of hand
Labour, as well as indispress them lo it, ruins their Health