To the Right Honorable Sir Watkin Lewes< no role >
Knight Mayor< no role >
of the
City of London
And the Worshipfull the Aldermen of the send City at
their General Session of the Peace Assembled.
The humble Petition of the Church Wardens & Overseers
of the Poor of the Parish of Saint Faith under Saint
Paul in the City of London
That by virtue of a pass Warrant or Order of
Removal under the hands and Seals of Sir
Watkin Lewes< no role >
Knight Mayor of the City
of London
Evan Pugh< no role >
one of the Aldermen of the said City two of
his Majesty< no role >
Justices of the Peace
for the Paid City and Liberties thereof (one whereof is of the Quorum)
bearing date on the twentieth day of July last
Jane< no role >
the Wife
Edward Hudson< no role >
who hath deserted her and her two illegilemate Children namely
Jane< no role >
Aged three
Years and
Elizabeth< no role >
aged Eleven Months for Nurture were removed from the Parish
of Saint Sepulchre
in the City of London
to the Parish of Saint Faith under Saint
Paul in the said City as the place of the last legal Settlement of the said Jane
whereby your Petitioners conceive themselves aggrieved
Therefore humbly appeal to this Honorable Court against the same
and pray that this Honorable Court will make such Order therein as may
be just.
And your Petitioners will ever pray Etc.
J. Greenaway
Solr. for Appellants. 10th Sepr. 1781