The 10 Day of Sept 1690
REceived then of Ben fatman< no role >
for and on the
behalf of his Landlord, [..] for Bons Close bones
Shellens and Sixe Pence so much being Assessed and Charged upon
h is said Landlord, for the third Quarterly Payment of the Aid Granted to Their
Majesties by
Two several Acts of Parliament, One Entituled, An Act for a Grant to
Their Majesties of an Aid to Two Shillings in the Pound for one Year: And the
Other, Entituled, An Act for a Grant to Their Majesties of an Aid of Twelve
Pence in the Pound for one Year. We say, Received the said Sum of} 4s:06d
By Us, {
Tho: Aunger< no role >
Jos: Husker< no role >