St Dionis Backchurch Parish:
Workhouse Inquest (Visitation) Minute Books

20th May 1761 - 29th April 1788

About this document type

Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: GLDBIW302010050

Image 50 of 1713rd November 1767

Sep. 18. Order'd Francis Mackenny< no role > to Hoxton
House being very ill of an Agne till he could
be got into ye Hospital.
and to have

Two Shirts
one pair Shoes &
one pair of Stockings

Hoxton Octo 6. 1767

Jams: Green
Mr. Thos. Kelham< no role > } Church Wardens

Mr. Richd James< no role > Overseer

The Poor were calld in & seperately examin'd
no Complaints. gave to seven Poor people 6d each
& to ye five children 2d each.

Dischargd Francis Mackenny< no role > . Orderd Thos Gamel< no role >
a pair of Buckles, a Cap, Shoes & Stockings

Hoxton Novr. 3.1767

Present James Green< no role > } Church Warden

Mr Peter Pope< no role >
Mr Hen: Newton< no role >
Mr Richd James< no role >
Mr. Wm. Lem< no role > } Overseers

The Poor were calld in & examind, no Complaints
Orderd for Mrs. Romney 1 Shift & 1 Apron
for Hannah Breast< no role > 1 pair of Shoes
For Jno Passmuch< no role > 1 Waistcoat
Turn over

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