City of Westminster Coroners:
Coroners' Inquests into Suspicious Deaths

14th January 1764 - 24th December 1764

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Currently Held: Westminster Abbey Muniment Room

LL ref: WACWIC652040052

Image 52 of 5058th February 1764

City & Liberty of Westmr .
in the County of Midsex }

Informations of Witnesses taken this Eighth day of Feby . 1764
at the Parish of St. George Hanover Square within the Liberty of Westmr.
in the County of Middlesex on an Inquisition taken on View of the Body
of Evan Jones< no role > lying Dead in the said Parish Liberty and County.

James Frith< no role > of May Fair (Son of James Frith< no role > Chandler ) on his Oath saith that he
was taking a walk in Hyde Park in the Parish of St. George Hanover Square within
the Liberty of Westmr. on Sunday last in the Afternoon between two and three O'Clock
Says that he heard a Noise which he took to be the report of a Pistol, and on looking
round Deponent saw a Man drop down on his rightside and immediately after
turned upon his Back on the Ground in the Wilderness in Hyde Park aforesaid, at
about twenty or thirty yards distance from Deponent, Says that there was another
Man standing at about twelve or fourteen yards distance from the Man that fell down
at the time he dropt, Says that he immediately went to the Person thay lay on the
Ground, and the other Man ran by Deponent, having three Pistols and two Swords in
his Hands, and said that he was going for a Surgeon, Says that another Person (whose
Name Deponent knows not) came to Deced about the same time as he did, says that
they lifted up the Deced on his Backside and the Deced then did spit much Blood
Says that he asked if he was Wounded, to which Deced replied that he was Wounded
under the right Arm, but tha there had been no foul Play shown, Deponent says
that he believes the Wound was reced by a Bullet discharged from a Pistol by the other
Man that want away, (whose Name Deponent knows not) but says that Deced did
not mention his Name, Deponent says that he afterwards found three Pistols and
two Swords in a hollow tree in Hyde Park about one hundred and fifty yards distance
from that Place, Says that the Person that came to the Deced first with him, took
up another Pistol that lay on the Ground near the Deced, Says that two Gentleman
come up to the Deced soon after and Deced desired one of them to send for Mr. Hawkins
a Surgeon , says that the Gentleman immediately went, Says that another Person
brought a Post Chaise (which Deponent had seen before in Hyde Park ) into the
Wilderness and the Deced was put into it, and carried to St. George's Hospital near
Hyde Park Corner , Says that he assisted the Deced into the House when he observed
the Deced's Shirt to be very Bloody, Says that Deced was put into Bed, and Depont.
left him there and went away, Deponent says that he saw no Person near the
Deced when he fell, but the Man that ran away with the Swords & Pistols as above.

Richard Morris< no role > of the Navy Office Gentleman on his Oath saith that he has
known the Deced several Years, that Deced sent for Deponent on Sunday
Night last to come to him, says that he went to Deced who was in St.
Georges Hospital on Monday Morning last, says that he found the Deced
in Bed, very Bloody, Says that Deced was Sensible and that he informed
Deponent that he had reced a Wound from Lieutenant Span in a Duel
Says that Deced told him that there had been an old Quarrel between
him and Lieutenant Span when they were on Board the Richmond
Man of War, and that he (the Deced) had given the said Lieutenant Span

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