Middlesex Coroners:
Coroners' Inquests into Suspicious Deaths

1st September 1747 - 13th June 1803

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMCOIC651020544

Image 544 of 63215th April 1786

Bartholomew Bonigue< no role > of White Cross Street Surgeon and Apothecary and Samuel Rayley< no role >
of Old Street Surgeon , Severally Make Oath and say, and first the said B: Bonigue, Saith that on
Wednesday Night he attended the Deced found her in a Dying State of a putrid Fever caused by a
premature Delivery the Child was then Dead which Deponent Saw, And both the Deponent Says
that on Friday last they examined both the Bodies and on a Strict Examination of the said Ann
Rose's Body they found some marks of Violence or Contusions in different parts of the Body the
principal of which were on the as Sacrum or Lower part of the Spine Bone another on the
middlepart near the Elbow of the Arm and the other Contusions were on both wrists and on
the Deced Male Child they observed aSingularSimilar appearance on the As Sacrum as on the Mother
and Several Small bruises on the back between Two Shoulders, and are both of opinion that
the deced Ann Rose< no role > and the said Male Child did not die of the said Bruises, but that the Child died in
Consequence of a premature delivery and that the fright that the Scuffle had occasioned the said Ann
Rose to Suffer brought on Such delivery and the putrid fever which was the Cause of her Death

Barthw. Bonigue< no role >
Saml. Rayley< no role >

Phebe Wife of John Markham< no role > of White Cross Street Butcher , upon her Oath saith That she is a
Midwife , that She was Called in to the Deced Ann Rose< no role > on Tuesday Morning and found that nature had
done all the Business, that she gave the Deced and the Child then alive every Assistance in her power
And the Deced Ann Rose< no role > said oh Mrs. Markham I cantt live, That one Elizth. Rose< no role > who fetched
the Deponent Said the Businesses done, and the Deced then said (in ansr. to Deponents observing she [..]
not at her times no she was not, and she Should [..] have been so, if it had not been owing to her Husbands Sister using
her ill, and said that had it not been for Sarah Robinson< no role > interfering she the Deced should have been murdered
between them both, (meaning as Deponent Supposes Richard Lewis< no role > and his Sister) and Saith a Child so
prematurely brot. forth cannot Live) and that a Fever ensued in Consequence of the said Ann Rose< no role > being
so delivered which Caused her Death,

Phebe Markham< no role >

Elizabeth the Wife of James Rose< no role > of No. 3 Cowheel Alley aforesaid File Cutter, upon her Oath Saith that
she saw the Deced Ann Rose< no role > on Sunday Morning after the Scuffle and having heard a great noise
and Murder Cried during the Night and as She Supposed in the Alley asked what was the Matter, and
was informed by Richard Lewis< no role > who was Drunk that they had, had a Drunking, and on Tuesday
went into the Room of the Deced and she Complained that she was ill, that something was coming from
her And Deponent Supposing her in Labour fetched Mrs. Markham and while she was gone, nature
had delivered the Deced of a Male Child alive which lived three Hours, Saith that the Deced told
Mrs. Markham that she had a sad pain in her Back when Mrs. Markham endeavoured to rain
her up and Said that Sarah Robinson< no role > had Saved her Life for that either one or the other (meaning
as Deponent Supposes Richard Lewis< no role > and his Sister) must have killed her)

the Mark of
Elizth. Rose< no role >

These Depositions were Severally taken
and acknowledged the day year and place
abovementioned before}

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