<div1 type="CL_ICpage" id="LMCLIC65002IC650020454"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="LMCLIC650020454"></xptr>
<p n="1271"> <note type="authorial" place="margin">London</note>
Informations of Witnesses taken at the<lb></lb>
<rs type="placeName" id="LMCLIC65002_geo1045">parish of Christ Church</rs>
<interp inst="LMCLIC65002_geo1045" type="placeName" value="parish of Christ Church"></interp>
<interp inst="LMCLIC65002_geo1045" type="type" value="undefined"></interp>
in the <rs type="placeName" id="LMCLIC65002_geo1046">Ward of Farringdon</rs>
<interp inst="LMCLIC65002_geo1046" type="placeName" value="Ward of Farringdon"></interp>
<interp inst="LMCLIC65002_geo1046" type="type" value="undefined"></interp>
within in London aforesaid the <rs type="date" id="LMCLIC65002_date165">20th day of July 1789</rs>
<interp inst="LMCLIC65002_date165" type="date" value="17890720"></interp>
on view of the Body of <rs type="persName" id="LMCLIC65002_n1271-1">Peter Rock</rs>
<interp inst="LMCLIC65002_n1271-1" type="given" value="Peter"></interp>
<interp inst="LMCLIC65002_n1271-1" type="surname" value="Rock"></interp>
<interp inst="LMCLIC65002_n1271-1" type="gender" value="male"></interp>
there lying Dead</p>
<p n="1272"> <rs type="persName" id="LMCLIC65002_n1272-1">William Wright</rs>
<interp inst="LMCLIC65002_n1272-1" type="given" value="William"></interp>
<interp inst="LMCLIC65002_n1272-1" type="surname" value="Wright"></interp>
<interp inst="LMCLIC65002_n1272-1" type="gender" value="male"></interp>
a <rs type="occupation" id="LMCLIC65002_occ456">Prisoner</rs>
<interp inst="LMCLIC65002_occ456" type="occupation" value="Prisoner"></interp>
in His Majestys Gaol of <rs type="placeName" id="LMCLIC65002_geo1047">Newgate</rs>
<interp inst="LMCLIC65002_geo1047" type="placeName" value="Newgate"></interp>
<interp inst="LMCLIC65002_geo1047" type="type" value="undefined"></interp>
being on Oath saith that the Deceased who was also a prisoner in the<lb></lb>
said Gaol was brought into the sick Ward about three Weeks ago very<lb></lb>
ill of a Dropsy and Yellow Jaundice and continued so ill until Yesterday<lb></lb>
Morning when he died says that the deceased was regularly attended by<lb></lb>
the Apothecary of the Gaol and had every Nourishment proper for him and<lb></lb>
that the Illness aforesaid was the Cause of his Death</p>
<p n="1273">Sworn the 20th day of<lb></lb>
July 1784 before me}</p>
<p n="1274">William<lb></lb>

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