<div1 type="CD_MVpage" id="WCCDMV36209MV362090319"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="WCCDMV362090319"></xptr>
<p n="2448">The Beadles to assist in their Places without any Expence</p>
<p n="2449">Mr Tull to Explain what assistance<lb></lb>
he Requires from the Beadles</p>
<p n="2450">If Mr Tull should take any house in the Parish for the<lb></lb>
reception of the Poor to Pay no Parish Taxes of any head</p>
<p n="2451">Such Persons as have rented houses for a Considerable<obscured></obscured>
and have Paid their Parish rates and comported themselve<lb></lb>
Worthily in the Parish to be kept in a seperate appart<obscured></obscured>
from the rest of the Poor and treated with a particular</p>
<p n="2452">Regard to their former Circumstances</p>
<p n="2453">The Children to be taught to Read and to repeat<lb></lb>
their Catechism</p>
<p n="2454">Mr Tull to be Paid quarterly</p>
<p n="2455">Upon which a motion was made that Mr. Lambourn<lb></lb>
Mr Heath Mr Shudall Mr Massey Mr Mombray Mr Kemp<lb></lb>
Mr Brushfield Mr Poole Mr. Bird & Mr. Lambert be desired<lb></lb>
to meet Mr Tull with the Proposals altered as<lb></lb>
above and to desire his Answer on Tuesday next at<lb></lb>
four in the afternoon</p>
<p n="2456">Agreed and Ordered that the above named Gentlemen<lb></lb>
be desired to meet Mr Tull with the Proposals as<lb></lb>
Altered by the Committee and to desire his Answer<lb></lb>
on Tuesday next at four in the afternoon and the<lb></lb>
Said Gentlemen agreed to meet Mr. Tull accordingly</p>
<p n="2457">Adjd. to Tuesday the 26th. Janr.<lb></lb>
at 4 in the afternoon</p>

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