<div1 type="CD_MVpage" id="WCCDMV36205MV362050104"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="WCCDMV362050104"></xptr>
<p n="935">Person had been put into the Almshouse and that they<lb></lb>
should investigate samebut before the Churchwarden<lb></lb>
was called upon to put the Question by the Motion being<lb></lb>
seconded-some desultory Conversation having taken place</p>
<p n="936">A Motion was made by Mr. Hitchon and<lb></lb>
was seconded by Mr. Stone that the Churchwarden<lb></lb>
be requested by Vestry to desire the Trustees of the Holborn<lb></lb>
Estate to call a Meeting and examine before their<lb></lb>
Board into the Qualifications of the several Almswomen<lb></lb>
now in the Almshouses and report the result of last<lb></lb>
their Examinations to the next Vestryand the<lb></lb>
Question being put. Orderd accordingly nem. con.<lb></lb>
Directions were therefore given to the Vestry Clerk by<lb></lb>
the Churchwarden to call a Meeting of the Trustees<lb></lb>
of the Holborn Estate for the purpose aforesaid in<lb></lb>
Thursday Evening next</p>
<p n="937">Application was made on behalf of a Boy the<lb></lb>
for of Mr- Bennicott a Parishour stating that<lb></lb>
his Motherland provided a proper Master to place<lb></lb>
him out Apprentice to, and that the Master was<lb></lb>
willing to take him if she could raise a <obscured></obscured>
of five pounds, and requesting that the Vestry<lb></lb>
would grant her same and the Question being<lb></lb>
put whether the same should be allowed or not,<lb></lb>
it was negatived by a considerable Majority and<lb></lb>
Ordered that the Overseers do act in then Disnetion<lb></lb>
not apprenting him not in such way nothing think<lb></lb>

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