<div1 type="CD_MVpage" id="WCCDMV36203MV362030001"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="WCCDMV362030001"></xptr>
<p n="1">To nominate Church Wardens Easter Monday<lb></lb>
Scavenger Tuesday<lb></lb>
choose Church Wardens Fryday.<lb></lb>
Overseers within a month afterward<lb></lb>
Commts of Court of Requests May day.<lb></lb>
Surveyors of Highways Michas.</p>
<p n="2">11 November 1767 against His ever &c.</p>
<p n="3">4 Janry 1770 to survey the Parish to make a more & quitable poor <obscured></obscured>
<p n="4">fo: 33 choice of Officers-4 August 1768 notice next Sunday <obscured></obscured>
overseers to be allowd 241 for giving to Layton, 6 May 72<lb></lb>
to whom p<obscured></obscured>
itys may be Granted 5 Nov 72.</p>
<p n="5">8 June 1774. order to pay towards for prosecuting T<obscured></obscured>
be discharged</p>
<p n="6">No poor to be pull on the books without leave of the Derby<lb></lb>
21 Sept 1775.</p>

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