<div1 type="CD_MOpage" id="WCCDMO36105MO361050007"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="WCCDMO361050007"></xptr>
<p n="45">Butter,Cheese, and Porter,</p>
<p n="46">That they have selected the Years 1791<lb></lb>
92, 96 and 97, as proper years of Examination<lb></lb>
the year 1791 being the first year of the late<lb></lb>
Master and the years 94 and 95 being Omitted<lb></lb>
as being uncommonly severe</p>
<p n="47">That the Committee have found a very great<lb></lb>
and alarming increase of each of the above<lb></lb>
Articles from the year 1791 to the present time<lb></lb>
that the Increase of Coals is from 75 Chaldron<lb></lb>
to 112 Chaldron.</p>
<p n="48">That the Increase of Flour is from 180<lb></lb>
to 270 Sacks which has occasioned the Overseers<lb></lb>
to discontinue Baking for the present and to<lb></lb>
Contract for the Bread</p>
<p n="49">That the Increase of the Butchers Bills<lb></lb>
after allowing for the difference of the Price and the<lb></lb>
Numbers of the Poor in the difft. Periods is £100 per<lb></lb>
<p n="50">That the Consumption of Foreign and<lb></lb>
British Wines have increased so much that the<lb></lb>
Committee thought it their duty to Recommend to the<lb></lb>
Overseers not to Permit any Wine Spirits or Porter to<lb></lb>
come into the House but from an Order in Writing by<lb></lb>
the Faculty - which has been done</p>
<p n="51">That the Consumption of Malt and Hops<lb></lb>
had increased so much that the Committee Resolved it<lb></lb>
To require the immediate Attention of the Overseers</p>

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