From the Commissioners for Paving Westminster
Westminster Bridge
Office Old Palace Yard
July 16th- 1771
It being Represented to the Commissioners That the Repairs of the
Carriage Ways of several of the Streets already Paved are done with
Materials under the Dimensions agreed for by the Contractors The
Commissioners therefore Recommend to the several Committees to be
Particular in their Instructions to their Respective Supervisors
or Inspectors to be very attentive to this matter
A Copy
Geo: Box< no role >
to the Commrs.
Parish of Saint
Clement Danes}
At a Meeting of the Committee Elected and appointed
pursuant to an Act of Parliament intitled "An Act to
amend and render more effectual several Acts of Parliament
relating to Paving Cleansing and Lighting the Squares
Streets Lanes and other places within the City and Liberty
of Westminster
and parts adjacent" in the Vestry Room
of Saint Clement Danes
the 31st.. July 1771
PresentMr. KitchinerIn the Chair
Mr. RainforthMr. Roberts
Mr. IrelandMr. Warcup
Mr. KennetMr. Dewsbury
Proposed and agreed that Mr. Kitchiner take the Chair
The Minutes of the last Meeting Read and Confirmed
Ordered that Mr. Banister the Supervisor do Order such Lamp
Irons to be taken down fixed by the Contractor which are put
up at different places than Ordered by this Committee and which
are exceeding 312 delivered in by this Committee to the Commissioner