Bridewell Royal Hospital:
Minutes of the Court of Governors

26th December 1722 - 15th December 1737

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Currently Held: Bethlem Royal Hospital Archives

LL ref: BBBRMG202050373

Image 373 of 49127th March 1735

Thursday 27th. March 1735 .

Clerks Fees admitting a
Lunatick into Bethlem}

Upon reading a Report from the Committee of this house under the hands of
Robert Alsop< no role > Esqr . Alderman Trear . Walter Pryse< no role > Esqr . Dr. Richard Rawlinson< no role >
Mr. Samuel Ballard< no role > , Mr. William Woolball< no role > , Mr. John Stuart< no role > bearing date the 25th.
of this Instant March SettingforthThat in Pursuance of an Order of Court
16 May last this Committee have called before them and examined the officers of
this House, And find that no Gratuity Fee or Reward is due upon the Admittance or discharge
of a Patient, more than the several Fees following Vizt.

To the Clerk of the Hospital for every Petition for the Admittance of a Patient£-..1..-
for a Certificate of the Patients Settlement-..1 -
To the Clerk that Attends the Committee-..1 -
To the Clerk of the Hospital for the Security Bond, with a long Special Condition- 6 6
for the King's Stamp Duly-..1 6
To the Clerk that attends the Committee- 2 6
£- 13 6

This Committee also find upon the said examination that the Porter Baskettmen &
Maid Servants, have usually taken, upon a Patients Admittance, nine Shillings, and
five Shillings to the Servants Box, though not dueTherefore the Comee are of opinion
That no Gratuity Fee, or reward, ough to be taken, by any Officer or Servant
belonging to this Hospital, upon the Admittance or discharge of a Patient, save the
Thirteen Shillings and Six pence above mentioned All which nevertheless is Submitted
to the Judgment of the CourtThis Court having duly weighed and considered
of the said Report doth Confirm the same.

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