<div1 type="BR_MGpage" id="BBBRMG20201MG202010300"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="BBBRMG202010300"></xptr>
<p n="2186"> <note type="authorial" place="margin">Artsmasters<lb></lb>
& their Appres.}</note>
Also This Court being informed of the Disorders<lb></lb>
and Irregularities that have been lately among the<lb></lb>
Apprntices of Bridewell Hosptl. Pticularly in their<lb></lb>
goeing out a nights in great numbers in the Streetes<lb></lb>
in a Rude and Tumultuous manner And the said<lb></lb>
Apprntices and their masters being Sent for and prsent<lb></lb>
before this Court Some former Orders were Read<lb></lb>
whereby it is provided That noe Apprntice shall be<lb></lb>
out of his mars. House after 9 a Clock at night between<lb></lb>
Lady day and Michas nor after 8 a Clock at night<lb></lb>
between michas & Lady day And the Severall Artsmars.<lb></lb>
and Apprntices were admonished that they faile not to<lb></lb>
give entire obedience thereunto And It is further<lb></lb>
Ordered That the Sewall Artsmars. doe take Especiall<lb></lb>
Care of the Demeanrs. of their Sewall Apprces. and that<lb></lb>
they behave themselves as becomes Ptakers of the Charity<lb></lb>
of this Hosptl. And that they doe from time to time<lb></lb>
give notice of such of their Apprce. as are obstinate and<lb></lb>
ungovernable or run away from their Service or<lb></lb>
comitt any other misdemeanor that may any way<lb></lb>
reflect upon the good Governmt. of this Hosptl. to the<lb></lb>
Clerke thereof who is to enter the same in a Booke for<lb></lb>
that purpose and informe this Court or Mr. Trear<lb></lb>
thereof as there shall be occasion and that noe Pson<lb></lb>
concerned may prsend ignorance of the Pleasure of<lb></lb>
this Court herein It is further Ordered That each<lb></lb>
Artsmar. doe take a Copy of this Order and hang up<lb></lb>
the same in Some eminentplace in his house.</p>

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