<div1 type="BR_MGpage" id="BBBRMG20201MG202010023"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="BBBRMG202010023"></xptr>
<p n="270">fel</p>
<p n="271">Selwood Robt.3<lb></lb>
Smith Mary3<lb></lb>
Starlin Wm.4<lb></lb>
Starr Richd6<lb></lb>
Sherman Eliz:6<lb></lb>
Sambrooke Sr. Feremy14<lb></lb>
Skelton Edwd.15<lb></lb>
Sanders Isaac20<lb></lb>
Smith Henry20<lb></lb>
Shelton Edwd.21<lb></lb>
Staines Eliz:25<lb></lb>
Slater John a Staff26<lb></lb>
Smith Anne27<lb></lb>
Starkey Zacha: Appr31<lb></lb>
Sanders John32<lb></lb>
Stratton John32<lb></lb>
Sutton Eliz:33<lb></lb>
Sherman Eliz:33<lb></lb>
Slater Mary at 2s: 6d p week 35<lb></lb>
Stanton Judith37<lb></lb>
Sherman Eliz:37<lb></lb>
Steere John Appr39<lb></lb>
Stratford Tho: Appr44<lb></lb>
Steele Sarah46<lb></lb>
Shoe maker to be elected47<lb></lb>
Stone Mr Comittee49<lb></lb>
Sheppard Hannah51<lb></lb>
Stewards Elected51<lb></lb>
Steers Samll<gap reason="illegible"></gap>
Smith John55<lb></lb>
Scrage James55<lb></lb>
Smith Eliz56<lb></lb>
Symonds Eliz56<lb></lb>
Scrage James60<lb></lb>
Squire Mary60<lb></lb>
Sely Elizabeth61<lb></lb>
Symons Eliz61<lb></lb>
Stead James to Bethlem62<lb></lb>
Sutton Thos: to Rethlem at 3s62<lb></lb>
Sprignell Sr. Wm. ad: Govrnor70<lb></lb>
Sanders John78<lb></lb>
Sutton Christor: 85<lb></lb>
Saunders John85<lb></lb>
Smith Eliz86</p>
<p n="272">Stewards of Bethlem to<lb></lb>
give £500 Security}<lb></lb>
<p n="273">Shuter Mr. James Nod. Govr. 100<lb></lb>
Steer Samll. made Free105</p>
<p n="274">dd & the Price to be<del>Considere</del>
referred to Comittee}<lb></lb>
<p n="275">S:<lb></lb>
<p n="276">Shed in the New Church Yard115<lb></lb>
Stewards Elected130<lb></lb>
Smith John Apprce.130<lb></lb>
Scott Wm.Apprce:130</p>
<p n="277">Sutton Thos: to Bethlem<lb></lb>
at 2s:6d}<lb></lb>
<p n="278">Staples Robt. apprce.134<lb></lb>
Smith John made free142<lb></lb>
Shippey Wm. Apprce.151<lb></lb>
Stephens Capt Jos: Nod. Govr154<lb></lb>
Steward of Rethlem £20. Gratuity161<lb></lb>
Sanders Mr. John Nod. Governr167<lb></lb>
Stephens Capt Jos: adm: Govermr167<lb></lb>
Slurte Mr. Joseph Nod. Governr.171<lb></lb>
Smith John to be inquired of174<lb></lb>
Same £10.178<lb></lb>
Stewards Elected182<lb></lb>
Samborne Martha to Bethlem at 5s187<lb></lb>
Sherwood Mr. Nod. Governr190<lb></lb>
Sheppard Mr. Samll. Nod. Governr199<lb></lb>
Sonthy Alexander Appr214<lb></lb>
Steward of Bethlem £20. Gratuity 217<lb></lb>
Sheppard Mr. Samll. adm: Governr230<lb></lb>
Stavely Samll. Appr235<lb></lb>
Snell Wm. Appr235<lb></lb>
Stewards Elected256<lb></lb>
Stewards Chosen259<lb></lb>
Spring John to be made Free263<lb></lb>
Shaller Mr. Edwd. admd. Govr.272<lb></lb>
Sherwood Captr admd. Govr.283<lb></lb>
Smith Mr. Fras. Nod Govr283<lb></lb>
Swinfield John Appr311<lb></lb>
Steward of Bethlem £40. Gratuity314<lb></lb>
Suffield Edmd. to Bethlem at 2s:2d 320<lb></lb>
Steward of Bridewell £40. Gratuity 324</p>
<p n="279">Smtih Mr. to have<obscured></obscured>
a Lease in<lb></lb>
his own name}<lb></lb>
<p n="280">Sellers Wm. Appr336<lb></lb>
Strange Aftable Appr336<lb></lb>
Smith Mr. Admd. Govr336<lb></lb>
Stewards Eleccted359</p>
<p n="281">Shoemaker left to Bridewell<lb></lb>
<p n="282">Spring John to be Inquired of382<lb></lb>
Same £10:386</p>
<p n="283">Steers Samll: noe further St<lb></lb>
of Mr: Lores Goft}<lb></lb>
<p n="284">Starke Mr. Tho Nod. Govr402<lb></lb>
Smith Mr F<obscured></obscured>
br Admd: Govr:406<lb></lb>
Scarse Mr Phillip nod Gover416<lb></lb>
Stewad of Bethlem £40 Nat. 426</p>

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