At a Meeting of the Guardians of the P [..]
Poor Children held in the Workhouse
on Wed [..]
the 5th. day of April 1786
Mr. William Baker< no role >
Mr. John Chamberlain< no role >
} Churchwarden
William Coles< no role >
Edward Gibbs< no role >
The Master of the Workhouse
Reported that William
Sherman< no role >
mentioned in the Minutes of the last Meeting d [..]
din the House on the Sixteenth day of March last, And [..]
that John and William Colay< no role >
mentioned in said Men [..]
were taken out of the House by their Mother on the Sixteenth
day of February last, And that Ann Maria Edwards< no role >
ma [..]
also in said Minutes was taken out of the House by her [..]
Mother on the Eighth day of Said February.
The Master also Reported that Christian Hill< no role >
a Bastard
aged Two Years was admitted into the House on the twenty
Sixth day of January last, Also that Jane Hill< no role >
a Bastard
aged Eleven days was admitted into the House the sam [..]
Also that Amelia Dorrington< no role >
a Bastard Casual was born in the [..]
House on the Twenty Seventh day of said February A [..]
that Harrel a Male Child born in the House on t [..]
fourth day of March last died there in on the Eleventh of [..]
Said March That Harriett Piplar< no role >
aged two years
was admitted into the House on the Sixteenth of said [..]
March And thatMatthews a Male Child a [..]
was born in the House on the Twentieth of said March [..]
Ordered that Elizabeth Simpson< no role >
(a blind Child) [..]
and Elizabeth Hawkins< no role >
Amelia Dorrington< no role >
and P [..]
Matthews do remain in the House until the next
Meeting And that the following children be [..]
Properly Cloathed and sent into the Country to Nurse