Also That William Miller< no role >
aged one Year and 24 days was
admitted into the Workhouse
the 2d. Instant.
Ordered that the said John Dugard< no role >
and Elizabeth Greenwood< no role >
remain in the Workhouse
till the next Meeting.
And That William Miller to sent to Nurse Pluckrose at
At a Meeting of the Guardians held
in the Workhouse
the 3d: day of September
Mr. John Taylor< no role >
Mr William Baker< no role >
} Churchwardens
Mr. Edward Gibbs< no role >
The Master of the Workhouse reported that John Dugard< no role >
and Elizabeth Greenwood< no role >
still remain in in the Workhouse
And that William Miller< no role >
was sent to Nurse Pluckrose
at Wanstead
as ordered by the last Meeting.
The Master also reported That Elizabeth Hutchinson< no role >
aged 5 Years and 10 Months was admitted into the
the 15 day of August last
That Hannah Smith< no role >
aged 5 Years and two Months was
admitted into the Workhouse
the 16th. day of said August
That Sophia Rutter< no role >
aged 3 Years 1 Month and 3 Weeks
was admitted into the Workhouse
the 26th. day of said
And That Isaac Rutter< no role >
aged 1 Year and 6 Months
was admitted into the Workhouse
the same day
Ordered that the said John Dugard< no role >
Hutchinson< no role >
Hannah Smith< no role >
and Sophia and Isaac
Rutter< no role >
remain in the Workhouse
her next Meeting
And That the said Elizabeth Greenwood< no role >
be sent to Nurse
Allen at Plaistow