At a Meeting of the Guardians at the
the 1st day of January 1783
Mr. Thomas Tucker< no role >
William Coles< no role >
Edward Gibbs< no role >
The Master reported the Elizabeth Greenwood< no role >
born in the
on the 15 April 1781 was admitted into the said House
the 23d October last but admitted to be returned to the last Meeting
of the Guardians by him through Mistake
And that Elizabeth Madan< no role >
born in the Street the 10day of
November last was admitted into the Workhouse
the 10 Novr: day
And that William Frances< no role >
aged two years and eleven Months was admitted the 15th. Decemr: last
And that William Warboys< no role >
who was born in the Workhouse
the 30 of said November died in the House the 13 December
And also that Mary Ann Phelps< no role >
and Joseph William
Roberts< no role >
mentioned in the Minutes of the last Meeting
still remain in the Workhouse
Ordered that the said Elizabeth Greenwood< no role >
Madan< no role >
Mary Ann Phelps< no role >
and Joseph William Roberts< no role >
be not sent into the Country till the next Meeting on Accounts
of the Severity of the Weather.