More Disbursements
£ s d
Paid P a Shift for Richard Cooper< no role >
00 03 00
Paid to Mr: Hunton & his Son for taking the
Names of ye Poor & writing of them face
00 05 00
Paid P necessary expence in going to Justice
Osbournes about Parish Busines
00 00 06
Paid for Secureing Mrs: Smithes Goods & Children
when she was carried to Newgate
00 01 00
Paid to Robt: Hewes< no role >
& John Fidler< no role >
a quarters Salery01 10 00
Paid to Mr: Joseph Harison< no role >
for Rent One Year02 05 00
Paid to Mr: Palladay One years Rent for Pensioners05 00 00
Paid to Mr: Atkinson One years Rent for Pensioners08 00 00
Paid to Mr: Hider One years Rent P Woolphrey01 06 00
Paid going to Justice Robins & Justice Osbornes
with ye Collectors
00 01 00
Paid to Edmond Culpeper for Coffine02 09 06
Paid to Mr: White for 10 Bibles St: John Feners gift01 10 00
Paid P a Warrant of Distres to Justice Robins00 04 00
Paid at John Dickinsons for Beer, Ale & Bread
and other things & at ye Horseshoe for Wine
01 16 06
Paid to Mr: Isaac Hickman< no role >
for a Least all04 00 00
Paid to Bartholomew Hart< no role >
in part of his Audiat30 00 00
Paid to
John Lewis< no role >
for Beer & Ale at ye quest
house 2 Dayes
00 06 02
Paid to Mr: Barth: Hart for Bread for ye Poor 00 10 00
Paid to Mr: Kene & to Mr: Peres ye Audiat of ye: Accot:06 00 00
Paid to
John Lewis< no role >
for Beer & Ale we had at ye
Quest house when Dickason was chose Churchwarden
00 03 06
Paid to Wm: Walton< no role >
for One Years Rent02 00 00
Paid to Mr: Heath for One Years Rent for Good: Hull01 00 00
Paid to Mr: Hauring for Comunion Wine05 12 00
Paid to Mr: Rennall Gooff for Shoes for ye Poor00 15 00
Paid to Thomas Black< no role >
for 2 Coffins00 06 08
Paid ye Clerk at Doctors Commons
for writing
my return
00 01 00
Paid to John Dickason< no role >
Mr: Thorn buroughs gift50 00 00
Paid to Mr: Thomas Rutton< no role >
for one years Rent for Pens:13 00 00
Paid to Sarah Atkinson< no role >
for Coffins02 18 06
Paid at Severall times when ye Poll Booke was
a Sealing
00 19 01