By an Order under the hands and Seals of Paul Vaillant< no role >
and Thomas Kynaston< no role >
. Two of his Majestys Justices
of the Peace for the City and liberty of Westmr. (one of the
Quorum) bearing Date the 4th. Day of Augt: 1768 Thos
Etherington was removed from the Parish of St. Clement Danes
in the liberty of Westmr to the liberty of ye Rolls in the
County of Middlesex
Thos Etherington< no role >
4th: Augt. 1778
By an Order under the hands and Seals of Stephen Clarke< no role >
and Philip Dyot< no role >
: Two of his Majestys Justices of the
Peace for the County of Middlesex
(one of the Quorum)
bearing Date 4th: Day of Augt: 1768 Rachel Williams< no role >
of Wm. Williams< no role >
was removed from the Parish of Saint
Clement Danes
in the liberty of Westmr. to the Parish of St.
Giles in the Fields
in the said County of Middlesex
Rachel Williams< no role >
4th. Augt
By an Order under the hands and Seals of Sir John
Fielding and Fras. Caryl Esqr
: Two of his Majestys Justices
of the Peace for the City and liberty of Westmr: (one of the Quorum)
bearing Date 5th. Day of Augt: 1768 Mary Clarke< no role >
Widow of
Vincent Clerk< no role >
and five Children John< no role >
Aged Eleven Sarah< no role >
Ten Yrs. Ann< no role >
Aged five Vincent< no role >
aged abt. 3 & Fras.< no role >
Aged about
fifteen Months were removed from St. Clements Danes
to the
Parish of St. George the Martyr
Queens Square Middlesex
Mary Clark< no role >
Agut 1768