Peter Camell< no role >
an Infant
22 July 1766
By an Order under the hand and Seal of Saunders
Welch one of his Majestys Justices of the Peace
Peter Camell< no role >
an Infant Aged about 12 Yrs. was Passed
as a Vagrant from the parish of St. Clement Danes
the Liberty of Westmr. bearing Date the 22d Day of July
1766 to the Parish of St. Ounses in the City of Dublin
in the Kingdom of Ireland
Letitia Fisher< no role >
1st Augt: 1766
By an Order under the hands and Seals of Paul
Vaillant and Fras. Caryl
Two of his Majestys
Justices of the Peace
for the City and Liberty of Westmr
(one of the Quorum) bearing Date the 1st Day of Augst: 1766
Letitia a Fisher< no role >
was removed from the Parish of St Clement
in the Liberty of Westmr. to the Parish of St. Arms
in the same Liberty
Benjn. Pack< no role >
4th. Augt. 1766
By an Order under the hands and Seals of Thos
Balack Esqr
. and Sir
Jno Fielding< no role >
Two of his Majestys
Justices of the Peace
for the Liberty of Westmr
(one of
the Quorum) bearing Date the 4th Day of Augst. 1766
Benjn. Pack< no role >
Mary< no role >
his Wife
were removed from the
parish of St Clement Danes
in the liberty of Westmr.
to the parish of St. Danstan in the West London