By Order under the Hands and Seals of Paul Vaillant< no role >
and Barth: Hammond< no role >
. two of his Majesty's Justices of
the Peace for the County of Middx
(one of the Quorum)
bearing Date the 20th. Day of Octor. 1762 Susanna Wotton< no role >
an Infant aged about Six Years Daughter of Wm. Wotton< no role >
Elizth< no role >
. his Wife both deced waslatelyremoved from the Parish
of St. Clement Danes
in the County of Middx to the Parish
of St. Augustin otherwise St. Austin in the City of Bristol
Susann. Wotton< no role >
20th. Octor.
By Order under the Hands & Seals of Fran. Bedwell< no role >
and Paul Vaillant< no role >
. two of his Majestys Justices of the
Peace for the County of Middx
(one of the Quorum) bearing date
the 22d. day of Octor. 1762 John Godwin< no role >
was removed from
the Parish of St. Clement Danes
in the County of Middx to
the Parish of St. George
in Queen Square
in the same
John Godwin< no role >
22d. Octr. 1762
By Order under the Hands and Seals of Barthw:
Hammond & Fran: Bedwell Esqrs
. two of his Majesty's
Justices of the Peace
for the County of Middx
(one of the Quorum)
bearing date the 23d. Day of October 1762 Ann Hay< no role >
was removed from the Parish of St. Clement
Danes in the County of Middx to the Parish of St. James
the Liberty of Westmr.
Ann Hay< no role >
23d. Octr. 1762