Geo. Darbyshire< no role >
24th. Octr. 1760
By Order under the hands and Seals of Barthw.
Hammond and
Fras. Bedwell< no role >
. two of his Majesty's
Justices of the Peace
for the County of Middx. (one of
the Quorum) bearing date the 24th. day of October
Geo. Darbyshire< no role >
aged abt. 45 Years was
removed from the Parish of St. Clement Danes
the County of Middx. to the Parish of St. Andrew
in the City of London
Fras. Collins< no role >
Wife 11th. of
Novr. 1760
By Order under the hands and Seals of Barthw.
Hammond and
Fras. Bedwell< no role >
. two of his Majesty's
Justices of the Peace
for the County of Middx
of the Quorum) bearing date the 11th. day of
November 1760.
Fra. Collins< no role >
Susannah< no role >
his wife
were removed from the Parish of St. Clemt.
Danes in the County of Middx to the Parish of
St. Mary Whitechapel
in the same County.
Amey Frazier< no role >
14th. Novr.
By Order under the hands and Seals of Barthw.
Hammond and Fras. Bedwell Esqrs
. two of his
Majesty's Justices of the Peace for the County of Middx
(one of the Quorum) bearing date the 14th. day
of Novr. 1760.
Amey Frazier< no role >
wife of
Thos. Frazier< no role >
(gone from her) was removed from the Parish of
St. Clement Danes
in the County of Middx to the
Parish of St. Edmund the King
in the City of London