St Clement Danes Parish:
Register of Paupers Removed from the Parish

1st November 1752 - 22nd August 1769

About this document type

Currently Held: Westminster Archives Centre

LL ref: WCCDRV369000195

Image 195 of 38529th March 1757

By a Pass under the hand & seal of Barth: Hammond< no role >
Esqr . one of his Majesty's Justices of the Peace for the
County of Middx. bearing date the 22d. March 1757. Eliz:
< no role > & her Child Henry< no role > aged abt. 7 Yrs. were passed
as Vagrants from the Parish of St. Clemt. Danes in the
County of Middx. to the Parish of Lambeth in the-
County of Surry

Eliz: Weavers
& Child 22d. of
March 1757

By a Pass under the hand & seal of Barth: Hammond< no role >
Esqr . one of his Majesty's Justices of the Peace for the County
of Middx . bearing date the 22d. of March 1757. Elizabeth
< no role > was passed as a Vagt. from the Parish of
St. Clement Danes in the County of Middx. to the Parish
of Greenwick in the County of Kent

Eliz: Horncastle
22d. March

By a Pass under the hand & Seal John Fielding< no role > Esqr.
one of his Majestys Justices of the Peace for the County of
Middx. bearing date the 29th day of March 1757 Margt.
Lucas (& her Child Mary< no role > aged abt. seven Yrs.) was passed as
a Vagrant from the Parish of St. Clement Danes in the
County of Middx. to the Parish of Blanes bridge in the
County of Monahone in the Kingdom of Ireland

Margt. Lucas< no role >
29th. March 1757

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