By Order under the hands & seals of Thos. Lane< no role >
& J: Fielding
. two of his Majestys Justices of the Peace
for the County
of Middx. (one of the Quorum) bearing date the 10th. day of
Decr. 1756. Ann Saunders< no role >
was removed from the-
Parish of St. Clemt. Danes
in the County of Middx. to the
Parish of St. Martin in the Fields
the Liberty of Westmr.
Ann Saunders< no role >
10th. Decr. 1756
By Order under the hands & Seals of Fran: Bedwell< no role >
& Barth:
. two of his Majesty's Justices of the Peace
for the County of Middx. (one of the Quorum) bearing date
the 21st. day Decembr. 1756. Mary Dodd< no role >
an Infant aged
abt. 12 Years was removed from the Parish of St. Clemt.
Danes in the County of Middx, to the Parish of St. Olave
in the County of Surry.
Mary Dodd< no role >
21st. Decr. 1756
By Order under the hands & seals of Fran: Bedwell & Barth:
. two of his Majesty's Justices of the Peace
for the County of Middx. (one of the Quorum) bearing date
the 8th. day of Janry 1757. Sarah Ray< no role >
Wife of Joshua Ray< no role >
was removed from the Parish of St. Clement Danes
in the
County of Middx. to the Parish of St. George the Martyr
in the same County
Sarah Ray< no role >
8th. Janry. 1757