Childrens Names
Age When Bound
When Sent on liking Etc
Master, Residence & Occupation
When Bound or Retd.
Consons how when given pyable Etc
Lyon John< no role >
chosen by Mr Duxbury the1792
Jno. Birch< no role >
of Psh of Cartmell
Co. Lancastor Cotton Manufacturer
Bound Febry. 1792
Suit of Cloaths with the Child and Thonry pyable at 7 weeks date £2:0sat 3 yrs. service £2:2s
sent by Waggon from theBeadle
Luce Jno< no role >
abt 7
chosen by Mr. Duxbury the1792}
Bound 3d March 1792
Same Conson
These two Children sentby Waggon from March 1792Beadle
Luce George< no role >
abt 11
Do14th March 1792
Same Conson}