St Clement Danes Parish:
Minutes of Parish Vestries

11th October 1754 - 18th December 1760

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Currently Held: Westminster Archives Centre

LL ref: WCCDMV362100137

Image 137 of 3874th November 1756

St. Clemt. Danes Novr. 4th. 1756.

Vestry met pursuant to Notice


Mr. John Martin< no role >
Mr. Philip Poole< no role >
Ch: Wds.

Mr. Roe Rotheram< no role >
Mr. John Craik< no role >
Mr. Geo: Dickinson< no role >

Mr. Joseph Marshall< no role > Trear
Mr. Wm. Bird< no role >
Mr. Andw. Ross
Mr. John Carpue< no role >

Mr. Wm. Porter< no role >
Mr. Hugh Davis< no role >
Mr. Thos. Heath< no role >
Mr. Wm. Shudall< no role >
Mr. Rich Waller< no role >
Mr. Fras. Coles< no role >
Mr. Jas. Lambourn< no role >
Mr. Wm. Brushfield< no role >
Mr. John Pyke< no role >

Read & Audited the Church Wardens Acct.
of Burials for the Month of Octr. last amg. to}£4..19s..8d

At the same time Read & audited the Overseers
of the Poors Account for the same Month amg. to}£147..14s..3d

The Petitions of Mary Long< no role > Widow of Richd.
Long; of Robt. Streater< no role > ; & of Thos Willis< no role > praying to
succeed the late Mr. Long as Grave digger & Collector
of the Bell & Ground


Resolved & agreed that Mrs. Long succeed her late
Husband during the Churchwardens Pleasure

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